Chapter 2

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"What do you mean, you got kicked off the academic decathlon team? How does that happen, exactly?"

Kara Danvers sighed in irritation. This was the fourth person that had asked her this and her explanation was always the same.

"Lets just say Winn and I had some "creative differences"." Kara responded moodily, her chin resting on her pile of books.

Lena rubbed her back soothingly. "Which means, you two had a huge fight or the brainy equivalent of a pissing contest and as leader he kicked you off the team?"

Kara glared at her girlfriend, cursing the fact that she knew her so well. When she didn't answer, Lena nodded in understanding, taking her silence as a confirmation.

"Why don't you find something else to join? Take your mind off of it? Who knows, maybe you'll find something better." Lena suggested calmly.

I Kara glanced up at her miserably. "Like what? We're halfway through the semester! There are practically no clubs or teams that are recruiting new members. Guess I'll just wait until next semester. Maybe I'll take up knitting to get through those long hours with nothing to do...."

The other woman's eyes widened. "What? Kara, sweetie, no. We'll find you something. We can sick Alex, maybe even Maggie on it too, alright?"

Kara pouted. "Are you sure? I know you're busy with your internship right now."

Lena chuckled. "I'll always have time to help you. You're more important to me than some internship, okay?"

Nodding, Kara pulled Lena in for a sweet kiss on the lips. "Do you know how much I love you? I don't even want to think about how much of a mess I'd be without you..."

"I like to think we balance eachother out. I'm the levelheaded one, you're the empathetic one. Perfectly balanced." Lena shook her head and smiled, brushing a stray hair away from Kara's face.

Kara grinned back, still feeling sad inside, but wanting to put on a smile for her incredible girlfriend that was trying so hard to make her feel better.

Things had been rough with Winn for a while. They had been such close friends in high school. In any academic club they could get into, in marching band together, in choir. They took almost all the same classes.

It had continued that way for their first year in college too. Joined at the hip, they made sure to coordinate their classes and made sure to apply for the same dormitory even if they couldn't share a room.

And then sophomore year had happened. Kara met Lena then at a rush for Kappa Theta Epsilon (their sorority), and the two hit it off immediately. Instant chemistry, as her sister Alex liked to say.

Well, Winn hadn't taken kindly to his best friend slowly but steadily blowing him off more and more for someone else. And as it turned out, Winn had also been insanely jealous. After a particularly nasty verbal fight, Winn told her he loved her, in a non-platonic way (as Winn himself put it).

While Kara identified as a bisexual, she did not have those feelings for Winn, whom she considered her brother. Which was a double slap to the face for Winn. The rejection stung bad and the consequential heartbreak was the main reason why they drifted apart over the past year and half.

Winn was bitter and embarrassed while Kara was equally embarrassed and guilty. Not a good combination.

"You couldn't be more right babe. The yin to my yang." Kara wrapped her arms around Lena and snuggled close to her, taking comfort in her sheer warmth.

"I hate to interrupt this little love-fest, as cute as it is, but I need to steal Kara away." Jimmy Olsen slammed on the breaks of his bike right beside the bench Kara and Lena were currently cuddled on.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2018 ⏰

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