Chapter 3

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Louis' P.O.V

"Hello?" I heard Grace's voice rush through my ears. I don't know why I agreed to do this. It felt so right but at the same time it felt so wrong. I hadn't replied. No words came out of my mouth. I tried to speak. But I failed.

"Hello? Louis are you there?" Grace attempted to get me to speak again. I took one big gulp and-

"Grace it's you! Your the girl I have fallen in love with. You are the one I want. Your the one I mean!" I practically shouted into the phone cutting off my thoughts before they got the better of me. I breathed heavily.

"Louis?" I instantly regretted ever doing this when I heard her tone of voice. Of course she didn't love me back. How could I be so stupid? So blind to the truth? I was furious. At no one else but me.

"Louis I-" She tried again but she got cut off by my words.

"No! Just don't Grace. I can't bear breaking my heart twice in one week." I said sternly before hanging up the phone. I dropped my phone not caring that the screen just shattered. I turned around to see the boys looking quite scared. They are the ones that had told me to declare my feelings. This is all their fault! My nose flared and my eyes widened.

"WHAT?!" I shouted in their faces. They all flinched slightly. I sighed while relaxing my body and closing my eyes. I clenched my teeth trying so hard not to scream at them because I had reallised that this was not my fault. I didn't say sorry because I was too scared to open my mouth. I was so afraid that it would just come out as a shrilling scream.

I stormed off to my room and fell onto the bed. Tears rolled down my face continuously. I felt like a baby who had just gotten their candy stolen from them. I don't even know why I was crying. I guess it was just to release all of the stress, heartbreak and anger. I had not only broken my heart but I had lost my friend. I could never talk to grace again after what happened just then. I could not live on with seeing the person I am so madly in love with all the time. It was time for a new start with new people. I was seriously considering giving up my whole life, my whole career and the boys.

The boys.

No. I wouldn't leave them. I couldn't leave them. They were the people that pushed my life forward and kept me going. Right now they were my only reason to be.

Grace's P.O.V

I stared out the window at all of the other apartment blocks. My eyes were red and watery and my face was covered with dry tears. I couldn't move at all. I was as frozen as ice. Kelsey walked in the room and sat down next to me. I totally ignored her. I wasn't in the mood to talk, even though I may need to.

"Hey," she said calmly.

"Hey," I choked out.

"You allright?"

"Yeah! Fine. You?" I said pretending everything was all right while standing up. I felt her hand grab onto my shoulder and shove me back down onto the chair.

"No it's not. Now spill." She replied sternly but in a calm and friendly way.

"Why did you ask then if you all ready knew everything wasn't all right?" I said getting frustrated. Why would she ask such a stupid question? I hate it when people do that. I pushed my fingers through my thick blonde hair.

"Look, if it makes you feel more secure about talking to me I heard the whole conversation with Louis! He was speaking kinda loud." She said raising her voice. I shut my eyes at the sound of his name. It was too upsetting. When I opened my eyes again I felt a tear being released and fall down my face.

"I'm sorry," Kelsey said while wiping my tear away. I decided that I needed to talk to her about this problem. She all ready knew anyway and I had to talk to someone.

"Its just-" I choked.

"Come on, push trough those tears Grainwave!" She said while chuckling. I couldn't help but let out a little laugh too. She often called my Grainwave. It was a nickname I had since grade seven at primary school. I got back to the point quickly before my thoughts carried on for too long.

"He thought that I didn't love him back. He cut me off before I could say that I loved him too. That he was also the one I wanted. I missed my chance, and I wont ever get another one!" I sobbed into her shoulder.

"Well, we'll see about that. That's for sure." She said. I looked up with my eyes opened wide to see that she had that expression on her face that meant: I have a plan and i'm gonna make it work. She was definately scheming something.

Kelsey's P.O.V

I had a plan. It would make both Grace and Louis happy. I grinned at her shocked face and i knew she was thinking that I was gonna do something crazy. Not exactly crazy, but very genius if I do say so myself. I quickly hopped up, got dressed into something presentable and dashed out of the door. The whole time Grace was screaming at me saying "What? Where do you think your going? Tell me! I know your up to no good!" No good? That was an extreme under statement. If this thing worked out the way I want it to then it will make her life heaven. Grace has done so much for me in my life, so its time to return back the favour.

Grace's P.O.V

Oh no! What the hell is she gonna do now? It's really noy good when Kelsey has a plan because they are either evil or great but they turn things around in the wrong direction. I was so scared that she had a plan that I didn't even think of what it could be. I was thinking of following her but my body was just glued to one spot so I was left staring in awe at the door she had recently slammed shut.

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