Everglades Academy

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I sigh irritatedly as my paranoid adoptive mother emphasizes on the importance of staying inconspicuous for the I-don't-know-what-umpteenth time.

"Mom" I scowl. "I got it! I already told you that nothing is going to happen! I've got jasper with me and it's not like I'm a spitfire who whips heads around, so I will be fine. Just hope these two years pass smoothly."

My rambling stops mom, who's eyes are focused on the road a head, mid-sentence. She closes opens her mouths and closes it.

And then opens it and resumes talking again.

I grit my teeth at the view that is my brother. He's turned towards the window, but you can know he's obviously silently cackling from the way his shoulders are getting wrecked with shaking vibrations.

I'm gonna give him a seziure alright. I extend my feet and aggressively shove it between his shoulder blades.

Jasper let's out a small yelp, turns around and glares at me. He vigorously tugs onto my sketcher, takes it of off my foot and throws it onto the third row backseat of the car. The little shit smirks

"Don't fucking mess with a harmonal woman on her period" I rage.

Jasper shudders and eyes me warily while trying to hide the smile tugging at the corner of his lips ,but doing a horrible job at it. If I just got my hands around that pretty neck of his....

"Kids" my foster mother sighs and parks the car outside the huge elegant well-maintained academy. "You both better stay out of any problems" she states, while maintaining eye contact with us through the rear-view mirror.

I quickly turn around, reach for my sketcher, toss it onto the car floor and thrust my foot into it. I push the door open and jump out of the car, with Jasper right after me.

Mom drives away and Jasper throws his arms around my shoulders while grinning at the huge view of Everglade Vampire Academy.

We came early to school although our schedules were already sent via email. Jasper ,now a senior, insisted on showing me around while recounting the implied dos and the don'ts of this huge academy.

"Dont piss off teachers by being tardy. Also try not to bring attention to yourself by befriending the popular group of your grade or sitting anywhere beside their usual cafeteria tables. Rememeber what mom said." He told me giving me a stern look. "In a nutshell, Stay under the radar."

"Whatever," I mutter.

"Come on!" He ruffles my hair "Why the long fa-"

He quickly retreats his hand from my snapping teeth. I glare at his hand hard.

"Damn" he sighs while rubbing his was-almost-bitten hand. "No need to be so pissy."

"You know what? I'll eventually get to know the school grounds later. Now show me to my locker" I stop him mid-tour as he drags me in the vague direction of my locker.

"Hey man" Alec , Jasper's bestfriend since diaper days, claps jasper on his right shoulder.

They proceed on to do their weird highfive-shoulderslap-chestbump thingy and then directly dove in into business, which ranged from girl topics to football ones, as if it hadn't been a couple of days since they've met , all the while leaving me completely forgotten by jasper's side.

I grumble and wrench the paper containing my locker password combination from his hand and scuttle along the corridors, relieved by the fact that my locker would be somewhere nearby.

I happily sigh at position my locker is at and hastily spin the dial padlock, just to make sure I got the correct password. I pull the lock open and out of the latch and tug the gray door open. I look inside around the small empty compartment and toss in a couple of unnecessary stationary and book. I spin around and lean against my locker, glancing around the huge corridor.

Japser and Alec were still talking at the end of the hallway, which was already getting swarmed with students. Although this academy was vampire-founded, rich humans were still allowed to register into the system. Humans and vampires have the same life-span, but vampires got the better part of the bargain, being born with heightened senses, fast speed, huge stamina, and all that shit. Their canine teeth usually only elongate pre blood suction, which is by the way is considered totally taboo if taken without consent, or when blinded by hot white searing rage, which puts the provoker in an extremely tight position.

I had seen one going completely cukoo before, and to put it simply, it wasn't nice. Other than being absolutely dead-drop goregoous, as if sculpted by a greek god, their hair colors can be dead giveaways. Some are born with hair colors that are simply not there in the human genetics, but they don't raise much suspicion as they usually aren't crazy bright clashing colors like neon pink or green, but rather dark cobalt, or dark ruby, etc. Humans are not to know about the vampire existence.

My eyes automatically get captivated by the back of a pair of lean broad shoulders filling out a fitting tight black t-shirt, that outlines his great fugure and accentuates his back muscles. He turns around, and my eyes travel up his well-maintained body, his shirt not doing a great job at hiding the obvious hard-rock abs hiding under.

My eyes continue on their journey upwards till they stop at his sculpted face and I take in a sharp breathe. A tangled thick shiny mop of silver loose curly tufts of hair sat atop his head. His smooth tan chiseled face is full of striking features. Thick iron-colored eyebrows, black bushy eyelashes, long pointy sharp nose, and full rosebud pink luscious lips. He raises his lowered eyes from his phone and-

"Aella!" Jasper calls me out loud. He strides towards me and makes to grab my left arm but then thinks better of it and lightly pushes my shoulder.

"Come on. Classes are starting in a couple of minutes. What are you having right now?"

"History." I turn back to stare at the notable guy but he isn't infront of his locker anymore.

My brother, who has reached the end of the corridor while I was busy trying to figure out where the guy has vanished to, shouts " What are you standing there for?! Come on."

"Coming!" I shout.I hesitantly turn and glance back, before hurrying to catch up with my brother, who was a spot in the distant by now.

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