Farting eggs

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Something snaps lightly against my hip. I put my hands palm-first onto his broad muscled chest, steadying myself. I gaze into pine green eyes as a nostalgic sense of home overfloods me. I shake myself out of my reverie as blaze reluctantly pulls his hands back.

"Would you have felt better if you broke the other one too?" He sardonically raises one eyebrow, staring intently at my casted arm.

"It would've healed faster if it wasn't for you." I snap, my mortification and embarrassment pushing at my chronically loosely-leashed temper.

His eyebrows furrow, no doubt trying to figure out how he has anything to do with my fractured arm and probably failing at remembering the iron-clad fist with which he clasped my sensitive arm first day of school.He irritatedly sighs and lowers his gaze to ground.

A door being pushed open sounds and ansel strolls into kitchen, pushing the the glass door close with his leg.

"Hey man" he says as he clasps his hand against blazes and draws him closer, knocking his shoulder to blaze's and giving him a light pat. "Where have you been? " He inquires.

"I was sadly obstructed by an annoying impediment" he mutters while still keeping his gaze on me.

Just then, a long ass giraffe struts into the room rocking her hips from one side to another, vaguely resembling what looks like a car with loose wheels wobbling from side to side.

Ansel stares on the scene unfolding amusedly as the tanned raven beauty woves her arm around blaze's waist and hones her gaze on him like an eagle spotting it's next meal.

"Where did you vanish to? I was looking all around for you" she states as she weaves another hand around his nape.

He shrugs her of off him but she keeps on sticking to him,reminding me of a lion whipping around its tail to keep the buzzing flies away but they never get the hint and keep on swarming around him. Annoying pests.

As if noticing the unwelcomed audience for the first time, she looks at ansel and then me, scrutinizing my appearance.

"Hey ansel" she gives him a tight white blinding smile while she trails her finger over blaze's abdomen. He takes hold of it and leaves it to flop to her side.

"Hey leala" he answers back, clearly entertained at his friend's annoyance.

Leala focuses her attention back at blaze "Come on, we dont want to miss the fun, do we?" Expecting no answer, she slips her arm around his and they walk to where I assume is the swimming pool.

"Well" ansel asks eyeing the granola bars on the ground, broken to pieces no doubt "you gonna eat that?"

"I'm afraid I lost my appetite. I think it's time to go swimming. C'mon " I take hold of his hands and pull him back to the pool.

"Where's your bathing suit?" We round a corner to the foyer and I take notice of the butler talking on the phone, staring left and right as if anticipating somebody to coalesce from the shadows.

"On me,under my clothes. I'm assuming you did the same thing too?" I turn my head and gaze back at him.

"Yeah. Did you prepare anything for our english assignment?"

"Nah. It's better if we work on it together."

We step out onto the backyard and make our way to the swimming pool. Ansel whoops and takes of his clothes, jumping into the swimming pool with a huge splash.

I take off my top and look around. I see a couple of girls sitting in a nearby hot steaming Jacuzzi, four guys playing volleyball, blaze and two guys, seemingly twins, and ofcourse last but not least, leala.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2019 ⏰

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