A stuffed goat from heaven

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"Did you find anything that matches my descriptions yet?" I inquire over my shoulder, and stare at ansel as he repeatedly stretches a bikini underwear like a rubber band.

I chuckle at his extremely fixated expression, and fire a couple of bathing suits at him, all ranging from one pieces to bikini thongs and bandeaus.

Ansel laughs and rolls his eyes at me through the bottom leg holes of the thong hanging slantly across his head.

"I really dont think we are gonna find anything that fits your taste. They're all either too ostentatious or too revealing" he exhales his words on a sigh and lays down on the carpeted floor.

"Oh please. You're telling me that there's nothing I'd like in this whole ass gigantic closet?" I sass, as I keep on checking out pieces of fabric and throwing them behind my back, fully aware of them accumulating on his face, making his voice muffled.

Shaking the bathing suits out of his face, Ansel props himself onto his elbow and sighs "what can I say? Satisfying you is hard."

He plops back onto the floor, though not before tossing a neon ruffled top my way.

"Oh shut up" I mutter under my breath. Feeling my tired arm muscles ache from the frequent backward throwing motion, I turn around, slowly lay down and extend my short legs forward.

I nudge ansel's head with my foot's toetips "what do you think I should do now?" I scrub at my face irritatedly.

"I'm fine with you going out in your birthday suit" He grins a shit-eating grin and shrugs-

"Aw" he rubs his abdomen and mocks pain, adds a "That hurt, alliebear" and flutters his eye lashes at me.

"Alliebear? Cute" I grin, and he returns it. "No seriously what am I supposed to wear?" I question.

I glance around what could be called a walk-in closet, but in reality , it's an entire room that serves as one. Blaze's sister must be really into bikinis to have a room full of them. And heels

" you could always go swimming wearing only my shirt" he smirks

My hands clutch whatever they could first grab hold of , which in this case was a black high-waisted bottom suit , and smack his thigh.

"Quit being so perverted, would you?" I roll my eyes.

You confused as to why I am in a closet seraching for a bikini with ansel? Why I didn't bring my own ?

Let me give you the recap.

"Mom, Can you re-explain why jasper has to come with me?" I sigh and glare at jasper who's currently serenely looking out of the window.

Mom sighs as she stops the car infront the slowly opening golden soaring august gates and turns around.

"Don't make me repeat myself, young lady. I won't allow you to enter a high-class castle look-alike without your brother. Now be at least grateful for my generosity" she turns around and drives the car forward as the gates fully open, revealing an ethereal scene that seems to be straight out of a 1950s royal movie.

"Generous my ass" I exhale under my breath, and get completely entranced by the view as we pass by deliberately cut green bushes along a now white compacted gravel road we drove on.

I hear a couple of snickers on my right, and I stare heavenwards, asking for endurance and tolerance.

Our car steers around a huge white fountain, with a beautiful woman curved out of white shimmering stone standing proudly on it, and wearing what seems to be greek clothes that did nothing to hide the outlines of her chest mounds and showing thin leg. Water gushed out of a ceramic vessel held at the crook of her arm.

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