No wiggling out of it

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The bell rings as the whole class stampedes out of the classroom. Using my right arm, I quickly sling my heavily-pregnant backpack across my shoulder and hastily head towards the the math teacher, who was beelining for the door as well.

"Mr carson!" I call out, and quickly stop as he abruptly spins around, so as to eschew diving into his bouncy jelly-like beer belly.

"Yes?" He asks impatiently, as he taps his foot restlessly against the ground.

I uncomfortably shift on my feet and adjust the bag, trying to make the strap thats probably leaving a slight red line on my collarbone more pleasant against my shoulder. I don't know what possessed me into carrying my enormous history book with me.

"I was absent yesterday for a doctor's cast appointment and I missed  your class. Can you please send the material to me?"

His eyes blankly look down at my palm-to-elbow white cast, with "best brother" scribbled on it in a back sharpie.

"Sure. I'll get your gmail from the school system and send you the material today."

I open my mouth to thank him, but he had already passed through the door and left the room.

I tiredly sigh. I need to check with every  teacher I missed their period yesterday. I'm very neat and well ordered when it comes to my studies, so studying my lessons last minute before a quiz isn't an option.

And to make matters worse, my annoying brother crept into my bedroom and kept me up last night, claiming he was extremely worried for his injured on-the-brink-of-death sister.
And then proceeded to drivel non-stop.

I typed in my phone's password and stared at my school schedule that is set as my background. Physics is next

I make my way to my gray white locker, wanting to discard my history book.  I slump forward and tighten my hold on the strap, in order to avoid what would probably resemble a potential failed back flip.

I near my locker and open it, while I struggle with figuring out how to hold onto the bag while taking out my history book.

I sigh, drop my bag onto the floor and squat as I pick out the book from my bag. My eyes widen as I feel myself losing balance and tilting forward. My uncasted arm quickly shots out and I brace myself against the locker.

Well, at least I didn't fall down on my butt. This calls for a party . I start sexily twerking while leaning against the locker and-


As soon as my hand gets hold of the book, I stand up on my feet and start slowing heaving it upwards toward my locker, trying hard not to let it slip from my fingers. Damn you, gravitational pull.

I throw my book into the locker with a bam, turn around and slump against the lockers. I bring my forearm up to my forehead and wipe away at the imaginary sweat . What an intense workout. I can already feel the lines of my abs forming.

A high-pitched obnoxious laughter cuts through my haze of lassitude. I turn my head to check out the the source of such a pestilent sound.

Three girls, one brunette and two platnium blondes, wearing what seems to be cheerleading short skirts and a tight halter top, were surrounding blaze. I raise my eyebrows in surprise. He didn't seem the type to openly fool around.

That statement was ,however, immediately debunked when I took a look at his face.

An extremely impassive-looking expression was settled on his blank tight face, as if a lizard wiggling it's way through in a dirty muddy small pond was more interesting than whatever shit they were sprouting.

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