klutz me

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The bell rings as I exit the classroom and head towards the direction of my locker, wanting to dump a couple of things in there before I set out for the cafeteria. Hopefully, this school appreciates its food as much as much as it does it's exquisite building structures and architecture.

I text my brother jasper as I sip from my already cold coffee I've got from a huge coffee vending machine outside of one of my classrooms, while I irritatedly try to dodge the students that are now swamping the corridors. Although I know that the coffee will aggravate my cramps condition, I'm badly craving coffee and I can't do anything about that.

I loudly gasp as I raise my head just barely in time to see a wall sticking out and avoid slamming face-first into it. I quickly throw myself backwards and try to regain control but it only results in an awkward backward stumble with my hands flailing around in the air, desperately trying to reattain my balance. My ankles trip over each other causing me to drunkenly spin and fall over . A guy, talking to a blond friend of his, only gets to infinitesimally widen his eyes in surprise before we tumble together onto the floor.At this point, any coffee that was left inside my paper cup got spilled all over a black shirt.

I blink a couple of times and shake my head, trying to imbibe what had just happened. The guy had his forearms braced against the cold white marble floor, cushioning himself and I from a hard fall. My bent body was half positioned between his open legs and abdomen, with my arms jutting out on either side of his waistline. My left arm throbbed in pain.

When i finally registered what happened, I looked down at my cute off-shoulders white crop top and sighed in relief. Looks like I escaped my bad luck today. If you can say that.

My eyes slowly travel the guy's body and settle on his face, causing me to intake an indiscernable acute inhale of air.

Clear razor-sharp guarded pine green irises stared back. They twinkled and hypnotized with a sharp gleam, that of a predator staking its prey. I felt myself slip and drown in them. His gaze had the power to dissect me one by one, leaving me under a hardened glare that cleanly pierce through my soul. His glare was icy cold, as if I was standing butt-naked in the middle of a hailstorm, where every potential chunk of ice would've cut like honed frosty daggers, but instead sent pins of pleasure-pain wherever his eyes went, all over my skin.

I felt something click inside me. He felt familiar. Like a long-lost part of me has been found. Something that should've been always there but was never.

A small exasperated noise at the back of his throat jerks me out of my daze. The lips of the silver-haired guy from today curl in annoyance.

"Watch where the fuck you are going ,human" he snarls. A vampire

I swallow my pride. "Sorry" I apologize and quickly scoot away from him. He was being a douchebag but I ruined his black shirt afterall ,and the coffee stain was extremely obvious. Note the sarcasm.

Snickers and laughs fill the hallway, as I notice the whole ridiculous ordeal was religiously watched by the entire student body. However, my hormonal period-influenced brain and irritation at the entire situation and his rude attitude overruled my extreme soul-pulling temptation to crawl somwhere in a corner, cover up and die.

"Aren't we all?" I cock an eyebrow, using the fact that not only vampires, but also humans where surrounding us to my advantage. That and him not knowing that I know of the vampire existence.

He purses his lips in vexation and abruptly pushes himself of the floor and stands up. He glares at his coffee stained shirt and then down at my short 5'3 frame.

"Are you fucking blind!? Check out your shitty eyes because I'm sure they need to be fixed" he bits out, and I swear any loose sanity my estrogen-induced brain was holding to crumpled.

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