Chapter four (haru)

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Little did she know the perspective of us back home was far different. A gloom seems to hang over everyone. It rattled my brain.

You could have cut through the stress and tension of each and every one of us with a butter knife. Thoughts rattled in my head and I knew I was not the only one. You could see it in all our eyes. Jaren was definitely handling it the worst.

At breakfast that morning we all had been different. I assumed Helena had just slept in. I think we all did. Yet by noon we sent Levi to check on her. When he returned his eyes were dark.

" Haru", His voice echoed with an emotion I could not describe. " Go get mothers bow from your room". I felt an urge go through my body as I slowly stood up.

Something's wrong. Oh god what's wrong? Is it another outburst? Did she refuse to eat? What does this have to do with mothers bow? I creaked open my door and looked up.

My hands trembled. I reached up and grabbed the stick with white yarn attached to each end from the stand. I seemed to float down the hall as a ghost with the thing in my hand.

I threw it onto the table tears swelling in my eyes. " If that's what you would call a bow then there it is". I spit with venom in my voice. Just then the door of our house gently opened and Noah, smiling with glee, entered.

" Hey everybody I'm hom-". His voice slowly faded out as we all starred. Our eyes were glued to him. " Stop smiling Noah". Jaren spoke calmly even with the small waver in his voice.

" Som'in wrong"? He croaked out and takes his seat looking down on the stick that lay on the table. " So we can assume from this evidence and Levi's sour face Helena has run off". Jacob spoke up playing with his fingers.

We all nodded in conclusion and Noah stood there puzzled. " Wut"? The look of worry soon clouded his face as well. Noah had never been close to any of us. He was a workaholic and seemed to love taking jobs from England.

I bet that the last memory of Helena he had was her no more than a small child. So in turn we were looking for a far different person than what was registered in his mind. That made things very difficult.

" Well first things first". Jaren stood. He walked down the hall and we soon all little by little followed. He was going to her room to gather evidence so we could have a clue as to what her intentions were.

In her room it seemed quiet. As if one touch could disturbed everything. Jacob scattered her desk for a letter or proof of some kind. The first thing I had noticed though was the window was slightly ajar.

That make my heart ache in worry and realization. Her covers were strung all across the floor and hangers in her open door closet seemed empty of clothing.

Out of the corner of my eye under her desk Lied a small splinter of wood. In only a second I realized that must have been were she hid the bow.

Which in turn meant she had been planning this. I bent down and pick up the black sliver of wood and rest it in the palm of my hand. " I found a sliver of wood from the bow under the desk".

My voice rasped. Without one of them turning to make eye contact the nodded. I knew my find had been what we suspected in the first place but it is always good to have back up.

" She wasn't the only one here". Jaren's voice rippled through the room. I turned franticly. That can't be so if she was planning this... And she doesn't know anyone else! Why has Jaren even claimed something so stupid!

But sure enough a mud boot print was close to her bed. It was men's size five. My head spun. What the hell? Was the only phrase I could remotely think of. Does that mean she knew someone else? Does that mean everything I knew about my sister was a lie?

Shut up! I say to myself and try to relax. I am part of the HamishI family of assassins and we do not lose our cool. Yet the beat of my heart said otherwise.

I didn't know what to think. How could we have seen past all of this sop easily? We took her for granted... I can't help but think back to how many times I played stupid tricks or teased at my youngest sister.

It was just she had always been here. Safe at the house. Where no one could hurt her. After our father left us and the 'incident' happened we vowed to protect her.

I rested my heavy head to my hands in grief. My head pounded into my scull as the head ache started to form. A hand clasp onto my back. "It'll be okay. We'll git her back here". Noah tried to sooth.

" Sch I bet you don't even remember what she looks like". I Stated lowly hatred hanged in my voice. " You were never here for her". I clenched my jaw to stop from crying.

A voice whispered back in my head that neither was eye but I could not stand to admit that. I stood up and shoved him off me walking out of my little sisters room.

Eventually after three hours all of us gathered back in the living room. For some reason my heart still burnt like fire. I had tried to calm myself in so many ways. None had, Obviously, worked.

" So we all know Helena is in the woods somewhere. We also have assumed she was working with someone to leave. If this was a normal job request we would take as much time as necessary. To put it shortly It's not". Jaren said.

" So today we pack to leave the house. Remember to keep everything in check. From the boot prink we can Identify that man was wearing boots made in the northern lands. He is an enemy. Our sister is in danger".

Jaren's eyes were dark. His jaw clenched tightly and the knuckles of his fist were turning white. Of course Helena didn't know anything about the northern. Witch made it feel more and more like our fault.

I stood and headed to my room to pack supplies along with the others, But someone held me back. I turned sucking in a breath ready to face Noah again. Noah wasn't there though. Jaren was. " We've already lost Helena...".

Jaren seemed gentle. Where is he going with this... I know this already. I narrowed my eyes. " We can't lose anyone else. You can't go Haru". My mind at first doesn't realize what he meant.

" What"? I asked confused. " Your just not... ready. It's too much-" I shoved him away before he would finish.

" You don't think I can handle it?!" My voice screeches in anger. " You don't think I can save my own damn sister?!". I shove him to the wall. He flipped me around and pinned me down.

" These actions prove you can't Haru I'm doing this to protect you. Do nothing rash". My mussels retracted slowly as tears brimmed my eyes. Slowly Jaren released me and I walked to my room.

The bed sank beneath me. I miss you helena. I really do. My mind echoed in sorrow.

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