18. Angels

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Their little band of ragtag misfits take off on foot from there, crossing through fields and along roads and through forests. It's the happiest they've been in a long time, so close to sanctuary, with such good company; Mags lights fires for them to keep the cold at bay at nights, usually tucked in the middle of Liam and Ruby an arm looped in each of theirs, as warm as the campfire itself, their own personal heater.

That's not to say they would exclude the others; with Ruby and Chubbs together, they spent hours talking about books they enjoyed as kids, while Mags, Liam, and Zu would stargaze, just out of earshot. Mags still always watched the sunrise, but nowadays she was more often than not joined by Ruby, wrapping an arm around the girl as they talked and giggled together quietly. The five of them reconnected with one another like they hadn't done in months, remembering their goal and how much they cared for one another. To be able to be so close to her little family, it made Mags' heart sing.

And Ruby, surrounded by people who loved her and considered her family, realises she hasn't been this happy in over six years, and lets herself sink into the feeling, keeping Mags and Liam close when she could, taking the time to becomes actual, good friends with Chubbs, and spending time with Zu to hear her laugh; they spend almost a week and a half before they find the letters 'EDO' on the train tracks. Chubbs is thrilled, and they keep following the train tracks until they come to a dirt clearing close to where the camp should be.

They're walking in blithely when a warning shot is fired, and all of them drop to the ground, covering their heads.

"Stay on your knees!" A voice orders, and Mags is already twitching, nervous and confused, by Ruby's side. "Head on the ground!" The voice orders, and a stream of what looked to be soldiers poured from the surrounding bushes.

"Hey, we're not armed." Liam tells them as they begin to check him for weapons.

"Save it, asshole!" The guy checking him spits, and Mags can feel anger boil up inside of her that she quickly tamps down on. It wouldn't be useful here, at least, not yet.

"Hold on." A new voice joins them, incredulous. "Liam Stewart?" He asks, and Liam looks up, eyes wide as saucers.

"Mike?" Liam's a little breathless, still being held by the collar by the other kid, but the newcomer orders the others to stand down, much to their confusion, before turning back to Liam with a grin.

"I'm so sorry dude, I didn't know it was you." The guy, Mike, tells him, and he and Liam do a quick handshake.

"No, man, it's fine." Liam assures him, still a little confused as the rest of them get to their feet. Mags makes sure her glasses are still firm on her face. "Wait, I thought you were with Josh-" Liam muses, but Mike shrugs.

"I was..." He paused, expression turning to one of gratitude, "I made it through the fields... thanks to you." Liam motions the others over before turning back to Mike.

"Wait, are you looking for-" He asks, but Mike just smiles brightly.

"You found it." He assures them, looking over the five gathered kids. "Welcome home." And Mags lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding, holding her still twitching arm to her body, but moving to embrace Ruby and then Zu out of sheer relief.

They're lead into the camp and Mags can feel that she's about to cry; without thinking, she heats up enough that the tears would evaporate, and takes Liam's hand. Looking down at her, she can see the relief and the almost disbelief mirrored on his face too, and she smiles so wide it almost hurts but they're finally here. There are kids everywhere; blues, green, and yellows, all talking and laughing and building a community together; Mike tells them about how they're not segregated by colour, and Mags snorts quietly to herself; that's what happened at the camps, and she supposed if you only had one Red, you segregated her to the boiler room. It's not even a bitter thought, not here, not now, not with so many happy smiling faces around her.

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