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leeyoori dON'T EVER DO THIS AGAIN @.junghope almost gave me a heart attack goddamnit
btw the concert was out of this world. never felt so proud seeing my boys perform their hearts out! sml for you guys ♡
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btsxsquad the concert was a m a z i n g omg Yoori was so energetic the entire time but mostly when Hobi's performing like dUDE I CAN'T EVEN
ddaenghope omygod ikr @.btsxsquad they're like a real couple... or are they? dun dun dUNNN
yooshook omg pls don't give me false hope @.ddaenghope
yoorstruly Yoori is such a stage mom i'm living for it
minsuga my boys, aww... love you too
leeyoori that was meant for Joon and Chim... @.minsuga bUT LOVE YOU TOO
minsuga oh, none of this happened @.leeyoori
rmmusic ^^ second hand embarrassment at it's finest
minsuga @ me bitch @.rmmusic
parkchimin I LOVE YOU TOO RIRI
gcfjungkook hide @.parkchimin
kimtaehyung WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO CALL MY RIRI, RIRI?! HUH @.parkchimin
parkchimin YOORI DID! RIRI. RIRI. RIRI. RIRI. RIRI. RIRI. RIRI. RIRI. @.kimtaehyung
pjmwifey thanks to my concert buddy, i can definitely confirm that #yooseok is real
gcfjungkook omg girl go spill the tea @.pjmwifey
mrseokjin and i vouch for what @.pjmwifey just said yay go #yooseok!
rmmusic y'all were wild at the mosh pit i cry
junghope i won't do that facial expression again... i know... it's ugly
leeyoori do you even know why i wanted you to stop doing that expression? @.junghope
junghope why? @.leeyoori
leeyoori because every time you pull that expression you make my heart beat fast, to the point that it's unhealthy @.junghope
kimtaehyung ^^ FUCK
minsuga ok why did Hobi stopped functioning as a person... anyone?

instagram | bts. au ✔️
Fanfiction@junghope, part of a very iconic rap duo, BTS, alongside with @minsuga. @leeyoori, a model who's bff's with a famous actor @kimtaehyung, who pushes her to have a boyfriend *cough* @junghope *cough* @gcfjungkook, a photographer who's in deniably in...