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leeyoori do good my son! only 4 shows left
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yooseok so are they together? or no?
yoorstruly lemme just assume that they really are a thing
pjmwifey yIE
junghope yes 'mom' 4 shows left
mrseokjin so you have a mom kink? @.junghope
minsuga that's what i was gonna say! @.mrseokjin
junghope i do NOT @.mrseokjin and fuck you too hyung @.minsuga
rmmusic i didn't take you into a kinky ass boy Hobi @.junghope
parkchimin mom??? Hobi-hyung i didn't know you're into those things @.junghope
junghope OH MY GOD I DO NOT HAVE A MOM KINK JFC @.rmmusic @.parkchimin
gcfjungkook so it all ended up to Hobi-hyung calling noona a mom? wtf is this even
kimtaehyung mom-son kink? you're into that hyung? noah fence but i'm definitely judging you @.junghope
pjmwifey sorry boo i'm with Tae on this one... @.junghope
junghope @.leeyoori HELP ME OUT
leeyoori he doesn't have a mom kink y'all filthy brains are disgusting
parkchimin then explain why he called you a mom @.leeyoori
minsuga ^^ what he said @.leeyoori
leeyoori ... tbh i don't even know why i called him son ok never mind. let us let the world know about your mom kink @.junghope
junghope wait nO @.leeyoori
btsxsquad and no one's talking about Yoori's son kink??? like ?????????

instagram | bts. au ✔️
Fanfiction@junghope, part of a very iconic rap duo, BTS, alongside with @minsuga. @leeyoori, a model who's bff's with a famous actor @kimtaehyung, who pushes her to have a boyfriend *cough* @junghope *cough* @gcfjungkook, a photographer who's in deniably in...