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leeyoori look at this dickwad go
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yoorstruly bro Yoors caption got me ded like Hobi's out there melting our hearts and then we have Yoori calling Hobi a dickwad
btsxsquad stoned. that's the comment
pjmwifey why u gotta do Hoseok dirty fam?
kimtaehyung jfc Riri that is NOT how you treat your boyfriend! ADD SOME SWEETNESS GOD WHY ARE YOU CALLING HIM A DICKWAD?
minsuga oh my God HAHAHAHA
rmmusic why can't you be like Yoors @.mrseokjin
mrseokjin you want me to call you a dickwad? @.rmmusic cos i'll gladly do so
leeyoori can you guys like,,, not here ya kno? @.mrseokjin @.rmmusic
gcfjungkook why are you calling Hobi-hyung a dickwad?!
kimtaehyung ^^ basically what i said
parkchimin 'babe' is overrated, dickwad's the new babe now guys
junghope oh look i fell for you Ri :D
parkchimin ^^ i hate how he still managed to be so fucking cheesy
leeyoori bitterness doesn't suit you Chim @.parkchimin
yooseok Yoors is one of a kind. that's it.

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Fanfiction@junghope, part of a very iconic rap duo, BTS, alongside with @minsuga. @leeyoori, a model who's bff's with a famous actor @kimtaehyung, who pushes her to have a boyfriend *cough* @junghope *cough* @gcfjungkook, a photographer who's in deniably in...