@junghope, part of a very iconic rap duo, BTS, alongside with @minsuga.
@leeyoori, a model who's bff's with a famous actor @kimtaehyung, who pushes her to have a boyfriend *cough* @junghope *cough*
@gcfjungkook, a photographer who's in deniably in...
junghope: but i just want to say that our tour will start tomorrow
junghope: and that i'll miss you... even though you're annoying
me: i just finished pooping
me: wait you're leaving?
me: for how long?
me: and who the fuck are you calling annoying smh
junghope: 3 months
junghope: HAHAHA
junghope: will you miss me?
me: sure, whatever makes you sleep at night
junghope: ro0d
me: kidding! of course i'll miss you
me: so you'll be back for Christmas and Seollal?
junghope: yes, thank God i'll spend it here
me: why did the tour start so suddenly?
junghope: it was supposed to start the next day after the Seoul Concert ended but we had a week break to fix everything for the tour and also because of the issue with my ex
junghope: i'm really sorry that she started attacking you. i don't really know why she's so... that
me: yah, it's okay!
me: her threats are nothing, seriously.
me: i am more worried for our friends tbfh
junghope: actually, me too
junghope: they might go to jail in no time
me: yeah
me: hey when you're on tour don't over work yourself okay? always eat three times a day and don't go on a diet!
me: take care okay?
me: sleep early and stay hydrated
junghope: yes mom
junghope: i really do feel the love
junghope: thank you Yoori ♡
me: i care for you, of course you'll feel the love
me: Joon and Chim's joining you guys right?
junghope: yeah
junghope: imagine how quiet your building will be
me: still can't imagine it since Tae's still with us
me: oh wait
me: i'm all alone cos Tae and Kook have a project together
junghope: at least you won't be third wheeling... right?
me: well that, but i still don't know what i will do in 3 months
me: i don't have that much photo shoots, and dance practices
junghope: come on, we'll call you :D
me: promise?
junghope: promise.
me: and if you don't call then i'll go there personally and kick your balls okay?
junghope: sure
junghope: but not too hard to the point that i won't be able to reproduce
me: aww you want to have a child
me: that's cute
me: i'm soft uwu
junghope: shut up
me: i'm still soft
junghope: anywAY
junghope: do you have any messages that you want to say for the other boys?
me: tell Chim to not starve himself and Joon to not overwork himself
me: also tell Yoongi that everything will be okay :)
junghope: will do
junghope: can you be this nice like always?
me: stfu i'm always nice
junghope: ... sure
me: ro0d
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