junghope messaged you. (2m)Messages:
are you still awake?me:
of course I am, why? what's wrong?me:
wait let me
is Tae with you?junghope:
yes! how did you know?me:
well he was gone for at least two days, and told me that he was with youme:
then after three days he disappears once again so...junghope:
oh, yeah. He won't stop crying to me earlier... He finished my entire case of soju in my house! I didn't know he drinksme:
he hates
what do you mean he won't stop crying?junghope:
he kept on saying that Jungkook will never love him backjunghope:
I don't understand though, because Jungkook's pretty obvious that he loves Tae as much as Tae loves himme:
what else did he say?junghope:
that he saw Jungkook with another man walking back home. He said that his heart hurts and he doesn't want to go home because he can't face Jungkook yet without cryingjunghope:
I thought he lives with you?me:
he lives with me, but Kookie and Chim lives across the hall... so we pretty much see each other a lotjunghope:
oh... I see. I don't know how to make him stop drinking. He's pretty much wastedjunghope:
I tried getting his phone to avoid him posting some shit but I can't get it from himme:
do you want me and Namjoon to pick him up there in your house?junghope:
no need. I'll just bring him home, but I don't know your address so :))me:
******* residences, building B, floor 28, room 2709junghope:
okay we'll be there in 20, i'll just wait for Yoongi-hyung to get readyjunghope:
and now I get what Jimin-ssi said, when he mentioned that Namjoon lives across you guys... it's because he lives in building Ame:
see you in 20me:
he's lucky he lives far from us... trust me if you live with us, you'd wish to turn back time and reject the offerjunghope:
why though?me:
cos they never leave the house. I don't even know why everyone hangs out herejunghope:
trust me, it's not fun. I need to fucking restock my fridge and cupboard every other day because they finish everything, and they don't even pay me backjunghope:
you're making me jealous though :((me:

instagram | bts. au ✔️
Fanfiction@junghope, part of a very iconic rap duo, BTS, alongside with @minsuga. @leeyoori, a model who's bff's with a famous actor @kimtaehyung, who pushes her to have a boyfriend *cough* @junghope *cough* @gcfjungkook, a photographer who's in deniably in...