What did I do wrong

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After about five and a half hours I head in to the fighting gallery and down the stairs to the fighting arena. I decide to look at some of the weapons I taught myself to use. I grab my favorite, the oversize sledgehammer. I pick it up and feel the nice soft long wood handle sanded to perfection. I start messing around with it then put it up. I'm not going to make Uncle John mad at my for being smelly, dirty, or my possibly ripped dress.

I head into the kitchen to make me some food, but then I here the car pull up and Sabrina talking to Uncle John. He didn't tell me to go to my room! I thought as I sprint to my room so I wouldn't be seen by Sabrina or in trouble by Uncle John. As I'm about to enter my room I hear my Uncle call my name. "BEATRICE! COME DOWN HERE THERES SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO MEET YOU!" He calls to me. I slowly turn around and walk to the foyer where they were standing waiting for me.

I'm here Uncle John. Do you want me to use magic to cover myself or what would you like me to do? "Come out here and show yourself Beatrice as you are." He says softly. For some reason my body tries to fight me but I refuse and walk out into the foyer where I see three people instead of two. "H-hello?" A say warily trying to sound casual. Which just blows up in my face. Sabrina walks up to me, "Where is that hideous monster I here so much about? Cause what I see here is a smoking, hot, well formed, and sexy ass girl right here. Not an ugly beast," she compliments as she circles me while looking me up and down.

I feel someone staring at me and 8 look right at him. The third person that came in. He was wearing a red mechanic's uniform with black grease all over him. It said 'Rose's Pizzeria'on it along with a name 'Dieth' on it. He has nice facial features, almost like a teenage boys face, and looks extremely well fit, with an excellent tan that set his standards high maybe. He might be to strong for me to fight off if he tries anything bad to me. As if he knew what I was thinking. He comes up to me and holds out his hand. Looking at Uncle John he mouths to me what to do and I sid as he said. Once my hand is in the mans hand he pulls it up to his lips and kisses my hand. They are soft and comfortable. As he stands back up he looks at me straight in the eyes. His eyes are a lovely echo green color with a nice dark blue on the outskirts. Suddenly he comes up really close to my face and looks really hard into my eyes.

"Wow." He exclaims. "What? Is there something on my face?" I say as I feel my face to see if there was blood on my face before Uncle John saw anything. "No you have really, really beautiful eyes." I blush at the unexpected compliment. "Thank you sir. What is your name may I ask?" I ask while I try to stop blushing.

"Dont call me sir please. My name is Dieth and you must be Beatrice." Oh wow that is an awesome name. "Nice name." I say as I try to compose myself. "Come on kids we're going to Rose's Pizzeria. I don't know about you guys but I'm starving." A woman says as she enters the room looking really proper and beautiful. She has the same facial complexion as Sabrina which tells me that she is Sabrina's mother. Does she know about me? "Yes. Now behave or you will never see the light of day ever again. Got it." Yes sir. I mindlink to my Uncle. "Well are we leaving now or when everyone feels like it. Or we just don't leave at all. She turned around to reveal a scar on the right side of her face. She had a lovely tan like the rest of us just a hint lighter.

We arrive at Rose's  I'm immediately greeted with the smell of pizza I think. Strangely Uncle John hasn't said anything to me this entire ride I'm a little scared. Sadly he has his cross necklace on so he probably doesn't want me in his head. Or to talk to me. Which I'm not complaining about. I actually dont want to talk to him either. We start to get out and before I do I use my magic to make myself look human. When I get out my Uncle gives me a look and points to my head to tell me to put my horns back. From all the times I have left the house he always made me wear a cross necklace and break my horns clean off. But he didn't do it this time like he wanted people to see me as a freak.

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