Day One

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Stelor wasn't very happy when he entered the room later and saw how dead inside I was. It was almost night time it had been so long since I saw the sky that I didn't even stare at the door anymore I just stared out the window. My drifting in and out of consciousness had stopped for now. I hadn't really noticed that my leg was mostly gone except for the endoskeleton and wires. I had messed with them a little bit right after Stelor left to go do whatever he was doing. When he returned he had a burger in his hands. He kept his distance and I watched him very carefully the whole time he did it. He sat across the room and slid the plate over to me. Cautiously I accept the plate of food and I eat it quickly. He started to say something but I was already done with the burger before he could. Did you go get the instruction manual from the pizzeria? I ask him. "It's destroyed so it will take days to retrieve it let alone anything in one piece." He responded. This got me to thinking. Well each animatronic was downloaded with their own repair files incase the manuals were lost. What if I-. "If only you had your own manual downloaded into your systems." He said. I was just thinking about that and yes they did. I cant show you unless you hook me up to a computer or something. With this new info to Stelor that he jerks forward "WHAT!? AND YOU THOUGHT TO MENTION THIS NOW!" He yells at me. At the sudden loud noise I jump and cover my ears in fear. He suddenly touches me calmly. When I finally look at him he pulls me into a warm embrace.

"I'm so sorry Rose I didn't mean to scare I never plan on hurting you ever. I will never do what that bear did to you." He promised. I return the embrace and I feel calmer. Relaxing I suddenly feel heavy and tired. Looking at the door I see a girl with a bandage covering her bleeding eyes. Entering slowly she approaches me and Stelor. "Miranda this is Rose, Rose that's Miranda." Says Stelor as he quickly introduces us to each other. We nod to each other. "James is ready are you almost finished putting her to sleep?" Miranda asked Stelor. "Almost there." He said as he started moving his hand to my back. He never touched my back and I was ok with that but no one expected my reaction the feeling of someone touching my back.

He moved slowly but the moment his hand touched my back all tiredness left and I jolted back and grabbed his shoulders. In a matter of seconds I was attempting to rip out his right shoulder with my sharp teeth. I lost all reasoning as my eyesight went focused and everything I saw, I saw it all even to the smallest detail. The sudden pain-filled scream from Stelor and hands all over me made me only want to deepen my bite into his shoulder. Suddenly Stelor yelled, "STOP TOUCHING HER! I ONLY SCARED HER, SO EVERYONE JUST STOP!" Stelor suddenly had the whole room quiet. I was breathing heavily and unable to stop. I quit ripping my head back and forth on his shoulder when he yelled. "Shhh shhh. It's ok Rose, it's ok. Are you ok?" His soothing voice sounded so relaxing to me, but I couldn't relax enough to let him go. Yes, I'm ok. I just don't like my back being touched at all and it sent me into a shock. I'm sorry. I have too many bad memories with people and my back. "I understand Rose. I'm sorry I didn't know. I'm just going to grab it slowly ok?" The calmness in his voice had me relaxed so much that I nodded slowly. With that simple movement he slowly rubbed my back feeling every scare old and new at once.

I never really noticed that I suddenly had clothes on till I felt his gentle fingers rubbing my back slowly. I gently release my iron grip on his shoulder and look him in the face. His cheeks crinkle as he smiles at me. "Does your eye always do that when your scared?" I was confused by this and gave him a curious look. My eyesight goes out of focus and returns to normal. "Fascinating." He exclaims as this happens. Still confused by this he explains. "Your eye went really thin that I could hardly see your pupil then it went back to its original look." This was the first time someone mentioned this to me. To answer his questions from earlier I shake my head no. Still rubbing my back he guides his hand to my lower back and grabs my butt as he pulls me closer to him. With my head on his opposite shoulder he stands up now holding me in his arms he walks slowly to the door holding my like a parent taking their sleeping child to bed. For once in my 75 years of existence did I feel safe.

This sudden warmth was comforting. So comforting that I wanted to sleep again but the sudden hunger from the blood I swallowed when I tried to rip off Stelors arm. Stelor I'm really hungry. Got anything to eat? I ask in our mind link. "Yes we do, what would you like Sister?" He asks me. I start thinking about something to eat but the only thing that comes to my mind is pizza because that's the only thing that I know is food. Is pizza ok? I ask. "Why of course Sister. Do you mind if I call you sister?" No, I don't mind it at all. I respond, happy to be called something else other than 'monster' but I don't want to talk about that. Just the simple fact that, after a week or so, he would call me 'family'. Can I call you brother then? I ask in the mind link. "Of course!" He responds as we sit down on the couch in the living room. The blue painted walls were complemented by beautiful works of art. Some were of nature, others of cities, and the last few were just splattered paint on a canvas, but the colors and placing made it look stunning.

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