How can I protect myself from my own demons

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300 years earlier
Craso 23 1616

I wake with a start. What's going on? I think as I hear my door being banged on. I jump out of bed and teleport to my door. My night vision kicks in and I see perfectly well. I see my door being banged on so hard it shakes my whole front linoleum. I reach for the door handle slowly, ready for a fight if need be. I grab the doorknob. As I do my mallet manifests in my hand incase I do fight. I open the door quickly. A hand comes straight for my face. I grab the hand and flip the being over my back and raise my mallet over my head ready to hit the being in the head.

My night vision recognizes the being as my uncle from 60 years ago. Hes older than I remember, well it has been 60 years. "Wait please! I mean no harm. I- I p- promise." The elderly man stammers. Fear slowly creeps up in me and my soul starts to ache. I manifest my mallet away and pick him up by the collar. He was quite light even though I lift things no one can normally pick up. He struggles violently until I drop him outside. When I do he stands up quickly and tries shoving past my tall mechanical body to get back in.

I hear his heart start to race as he turns around and we both see a tall dark hefty figure appear at the curb next to my big driveway he slowly walks up towards us. I walk out towards him closing my door behind me. My night vision turns off and i sigh in frustration that now I really need to update my vision works. My uncle holds on tight to my tail. I hate people touching my tail but hes extremely lucky I'm letting it slid due to the fact of the figure in my yard or else every bone in his fragile little body would be shattered. As I approach the figure, another one appears on my right. This one I can see more do to the fact that moon is actually making him visible to me. Thanks night vision. He has a dark complexion almost black but not quite. Dark gray maybe? He has light brown horns curved tightly on his both sides of his head. Hes wearing a black suit almost like a butlers. I realize that I'm dealing with Dracs, demon like creatures but only more powerful, immediately after I notice the long pointed tail and to even make it more creepy he had a collar on with a pentagram as if he was dog. His face was bland but soft like he was there when you needed him but he also won't take shit from people.

He approached us and immediately stepped infront of me blocking my way to the taller figure. The sun starts to rise and the tall figure starts speaking. "Good job Max. You helped me find my daughter. I appreciate you so much." His dark deep raspy voice echoed over my large front yard. But why did he call my Uncle John, Max maybe a new name or something. My uncle shaked violently again squeezing my tail hard. I try so hard to contain my posture. The voice of the tall figure sounds familiar almost.

I look back and I see more of the figure this time. He had two large horns, in the front of his head, that went high over his head. He had two more horns, behind the other two, he had broad shoulders. His cape like robe covered his body entirely. Only the neck up showed. His complexion was not as soft as the butler guy but it was also blanker. Except for the large pointed teeth smile on his face as if he was amused at a joke or murder.

"W-w-wait shes not who your looking for Natrec. S-s-she is nothing like you n-not even related just only a robot?" Max says in a panic as he picks up a stick and chunks it at me as quick as he can. The piece of wood flies as fast as it can. I reach out my hand and catch it in mid flight. To his surprise I didn't make a clinking sound like metal would. I looked straight at him and I crushed the stick, turned around, and headed straight for my front door to go back to bed.
"Bahahaha-hahahaha-ahahahaha-aaahahahahahaha. Wow I really thought that you would try to either kill him or even better say something to him at the least. That's funny as Drac." I stopped right in my tracks. That was the first time I then realized that familiar voice. His deep raspy voice echoed across my yard and stayed in my head. My mind started racing urging me to go inside and never ever open my door to them again."Well Max,hehe, Max, Max, Max, obviously our deal is held up and your soul is now mine." Says the same voice that laughed at me before. Now this peaks my interest. I look over my shoulder at a now petrified Max who is even more scared than before.

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