Happy oh fuck

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360 years later.

"Wa- wa - wake - WAKE UP ROSE!" "AHHH!" I wake up startled by a familiar voice. "Fucking Death! Why did you you wake me up like that? Do you want my mallet to your face or what man?" I ask as I start to rise from my 'charging station' aka my bed. That I will let you know is like an actual charger for me because it is right above my shop downstairs. Which is very convenient due to the fact that I wasted most of my power yesterday. "Cause it's fun, plus you were crying in your sleep again." He responded while crossing his tan arms. His red and black hair smoothed back to perfection his shaved sides and back slightly wet, while the rest of is is soaked. At that moment I move my hand to my face and wipe away my black tears that still remained. Death rolled his grey eyes as I finish cleaning my face from all of the tears. I look at my pillow to see how much I cried on it. The whole thing was almost completely wet. I through off my covers grab my pillow and head towards my laundry room.

"Morning Gala. Morning Rose." Chimed a female skeleton. She was mostly bald head except for the one big strip on the top of her head and to her top back of the head. She had light blue hair at the top which then faded into a nice dark blue at the bottom. Her small rectangle glasses were taped to her face on her nose. She had on a grey leather jacket with fur on the rim of the hood. "Morning. Whatcha making Pi?" I ask as I pass by her. "Breakfast." She replied. "Cool." I said yawning. Then across the house was a small knock as I started setting up the washer for my pillow.

Once I start the washer and put the pillow and pillow case inside. I teleport to the door, leaving the laundry room and entering the living room, in a black mist like smoke. I end up right in front of the door and I open it. "Hey Mechanics!" Chimed a lovely voice. "Hey Shelby!" I chime back. The small fox girl was a nice crimson color. Her muzzle was white along with her big tip on her tail. Her brown wavy hair flowed to perfection as she left it down. Her big black glasses complimented her soft facial complexion. She had on her usual, closed, black jacket that looked like a dress that said Tap Out on it in grey. With jeans and a shirt on underneath the jacket. "So you plan on going to the carnival like that?" Asked Shelby. "Huh? Oh shit! No, I'm gonna go get dressed right now." I said realizing that I still had on my sweatpants and sleeping sports bra.

Shelby laughs as she enters my house and follows me to my room for me to change into new clothes. "House that artic fox of yours? Jacob, right?" I ask. "Hes good. Hes at work right now but he said that he will join us later. Hey Rose?" "Yeah?" "Will you pay for him please? As a little surprise from me." She asked quietly. She's lucky my big ears can hear small things, or just things miles away, or else I would have to ask her to speak up. "You mean my little surprise?" I tease. "Wow what a smartass you are Rose. I just can't get enough of it." She teased back. "And to answer your question yes I will pay for him if he comes." She gasped. "Really? Thank you Rose!" She says as she runs into me for a hug. "Yeah yeah." I respond as I hug her back.

As we arrive at the carnival people start whispering.(everyone knows who I am) Once we reach the counter for our tickets. I hand the lady two coupons for our tickets. "These coupons have expired." She says as she hands us back our coupons. I check the date and to my understandment they expire next week. I check my calendar and they expire next week. "Um ma'am I think your wrong because the date and my calendar both say that they expire next week." I say politely trying not to upset her. She calls her manager on the land line phone she has in the box. "Please wait I called my manager so he can ask you to leave." She says after she hangs up the phone. "Why, I'm just trying to buy some tickets and enjoy the carnival?" I ask trying not to get annoyed with her. "Because I've seen hot shots like you. Think you can get in for only a fraction  of the cost. Oh no Missy not on my watch." We wait about two more minutes  for the manager to arrive. When he does she starts telling him how us monsters are trying to get in for free. About ten minutes later he let's me pay as the woman was fired for the 6th time of accusing innocent monsters for trying to pay to have fun. The manager apologies and let's us in for free. But instead as the woman walked by I handed the manager $200 and said, "Keep it I got another kid coming later this will cover him."

I swear humans are harder to convince than a drakto for gas instead of smoke. I think as we enter the carnival. As we enter Shelby decides to stay close to me even though I can have an eye on her anywhere on the planet. Plus since my sister's were nice to leave me with some of their powers I'm able to do a little bit more when I'm alone. "So then what's first?" Asks Shelby as we cruise around looking for a ride. "How about the squirrel cages?" I suggest. "Hell yeah!" Good thing I'm wearing my light suit.

We ride rides and eat food. Finally Jacob arrives after he talked to the manager about what happened that he was covered, by me of course. He handed me two 100s. From the manager. I gave up trying to pay for stuff because the manager told everyone to let me have everything for free. We continued to have fun from open to close.

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