Why fight?

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BAM BAM BAM! "Here we go again."

"Wake up monster!" Yells a very familiar voice through my locked door from the outside. "Yes sir Uncle John!" I yell back. Click. My door is now unlocked, but I'm still not aloud to leave. Last time I thought I could leave I got a crucifix in my right side. I look around my room dark room with very little light just to find my closet. It's on my left so I'll look there. I look on my left and feel around for the wall. There! Alright now to get off my makeshift bed, well cardboard stack, and to the closet. Instead I find my dresser. Ow! But good thing my candle is here. I lift up my right hand and a ball of fire appears. I then light my candle.

I would use this to find my closet if this wasn't the only place I can use my powers, due to all of the crosses everywhere, luckily I only turned about four upside down so I can since I ran out of matches yesterday. My thoughts are then interrupted by my Uncle John coming in with three boxes of matches and throughs them at me to my face.

I dodge them but don't miss them on the way down to the floor. "Good your up for once since it's all your good for." Uncle John says quite angrily. "What's today Uncle John?" I ask wearily. I already know the days but I still decide to ask to maybe get one decent conversation before my day really starts. He looks at me like he's debating on killing me or not. "Wednesday." He replys. Good Wednesday is the day I can actually leave for a few hour, till he links me for me to go to my room. "So does that mean that I can leave my room?" I ask. I know I'm not supposed to ask questions when I know the answer to, but it doesn't stop me. "Yes you can leave, but dress nicely I'm taking you out today, so the shower is also open. When your done link me and I'll be out of my room to come get you to take you. Got it?" He says as he turns around to leave my room. "Yes sir." I reply as he leaves my room and closes the door behind him.

The only time I get to leave the house is when he takes me shopping for more clothes. At least I get to leave my room.
"Hey come to the hole quickly!" An excited thought that enters through a mindlink
I move to my closet quickly which was on the other left of my makeshift bed. I open the closet and move to the hidden door on the right. Once I open it I feel for the crack. Boom got it. I sit down next to a piece of cardboard hanging by a some thread on a nail. I take the it off of the wall and set the card board on the ground to reveal hole that in able to fit through. "Good morning Beatrice. How did you sleep last night?" A girl asks me. "Good morning Sebrina. I've had better nights honestly. What 'bout you?" I ask. "Really good. Do you see what my dream was about?" "Yes, yes I do." Her memory of her dream was quite beautiful. She dreamt about meeting me in person and finally seeing me. Since I refuse to show her my face, or any part of me for that matter.

She dreamed me very human like since I'm no where close to human but I do have some human. Like my body looks human but my teeth are sharp like shark teeth, I have two pairs of horns on my head (two are curved back and up they are in the back and two slightly curved forward and out they are in the front) a long thin tail with an arrow tip,my eyes are red, and thin like cats eyes. I look nothing like her dream but at least she tried.

"Looks like we'll have some real fun when we meet and you can leave that room of yours, huh?"
"Yeah look like fun."
"Today's Wednesday, so you can come out. Maybe I can see if I can come home early and see you."
"I just wonder how you can always know when I get home, yet you tell me your not in your room?"
"Maybe I'm not ready for you to see my face."
"Your so mean Bea!"
"I know Sebrina."

"Sebrina!" yells Uncle John from the hallway."Got to go talk to you later. Coming Daddy!" Sebrina says as she leaves the hole to go to school. "Bye." I reply as I leave my closet's secret room, and into my room. The candle is still lit so I decide to find my best dress like my Uncle John said to. I soon find my favorite black long flurry dress. I grab the most comfortable bra I have and underwear. Then, wait at the door for him to tell me to leave my room.

"You're good to leave your room." He tells me through our mindlink. "Yes sir. Have a safe day." I say being my usual kind self. "Shut up monster!" He yells in the mindlink which always give me a small headache. "Yes sir." I replay trying not to upset him anymore than I already have.

I leave my room and head to the bathroom. I walk into the bathroom and start the water. After it warms up I undress and get in. It feels so good to shower after another week of filth. I soon begin to hum a song I made as I continue to shower. My mind soon drifts off to why I'm so nice to Uncle John. Why am I so nice and all I get are headaches and beatings. I can end it so easily. My powers are so much stronger since I flipped those crosses upside down. Good thing he doesn't check them anymore. "Yeah good thing." I say as I feel the scars on my back and arms from all of the spiritual items and artifacts that were stabbed into my back multiple times.

Soon after I'm done I head downstairs to the fighting gallery and see whose fighting today. Luckily no one is so I head down there and into a wall that leads into a hidden room I made with my magic. It's only lit by candles everywhere. It's all black except for the red painted pentagram on the floor I made to see my father. I sit there and speak the words to summon him. "Ros Posb Leta." I chant three times spooky like to get the spells accent right.

After about thirty seconds I feel two presence in front of me. Meaning Gractore is with him. I like Gractore he always has good stories to tell. "Hello dad." I say to one of the demons standing in front of me (Natrec) he is tall, thin, black, and smokey like. His horns are just like mine. He's wearing a long maroon cape that drags behind him. The other one(Gractore) isn't as tall as Strizlous but he is fairly tall, thin and has a nice expensive looking butler tux on with a black collar on that has a silver pentagram on it. His horns are just like a rams. He gives me a sweet smile that warms my heart. "Hello Gractore how are you today? I ask giving my best smile I can muster since I rarely ever smile. My bright sharp teeth show and Gractore laughs at my attempt to smile. My father glares at him and he stops laughing as he pulls on his collar to adjust it.


"Hello Beatrice. Lovely day isn't it? Are you hungry?" All of a sudden he opens up his Cape to reveal a dying man who screams seeing me. "Oh God. Oh God. Oh God." His keeps repeating in his mind. I stare at him and I start to drool as my eyes start going sharper and sharper at the sight of his delicious bloody and beat up body. My body starts to shift as I get ready to eat the man. You hear your bones crack and deep demonic growls, my body starts to go black, my body starts growing to make it easier to eat a man his size. My father starts pulling the man back and throughs him at me. I leap and catch the man in midair as my body goes into a full black slime like substance. I growl while I eat half of the man whole as my jaw opens up wide, like Pennywise does in IT, my father erupts with laughter as his blood splatters my face and his bottom half drops in my hand placed perfectly to catch it. You here the faint echoes of the man's screams while he was thrown, then nothing. I land on my knees. I shove the other half on my meal as more blood pours on the floor along with old blood I never bothered to clean. He is so delicious. I think to myself as I swallow the rest of him.

Once finished I shift quickly into my original form as I start breathing heavily. My body always hurts after I eat. Luckily my outfit isn't destroyed nor covered in black slime or blood from this meal. As my father stood laughing I stand up and run at him to give him a hug. He stumbles back a the sudden rush, once he realized what was happening he hugs me back with his strong arms. His even more expensive looking tux was soft and smelled heavily the man, that I ate, sent. "Beatrice, I'm sorry that I can't help you out." He apologizes to me. "I know. Mother and well, her whole side of the family are guardians." I replay. Guardians are sent by God to kill demons and/or other dangerous creatures to protect the humans. Well that is what my family is. We were made as royalty so if we do something we can't get in trouble by the people because we set the rules. Which means that I'm half demon half guardian. My mother was first born so that means that she was next in line for the crown but she's dead, so that means that I'm next in line for the crown. Which also means I'm a princess. Triple score.

My father bows his head at the mention of my mother. I look down sad that I upset him. He puts his hand on the side of my neck and lifts my head so that I'm looking at him. "Don't worry Beatrice I will find a way to get you out of here. I promise. I love you. " He promises. Then he disappears as my black tears fall down my face, because I knew that my father didn't love me nor would he save me.

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