To Everyone who enjoys this book

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Dear End of Days fans,

I'm sorry for putting off the book as I said I'm going to restart it, I know a lot of you love it so much but I have no idea what to do with it. A lot of you have suggested that maybe a co editor could help me work on the story, and which I appreciate your suggestion I'm going to have to say ah hell to the no.

Don't worry, I still love Nickvacktor but I'm not sure, it's almost like I want to delete the book and start over but then again I just can't. I can't redo the hole entire book cause that will take forever, I can't just leave it there. So I'm at an official loss of what to do, I've had many attempts at bringing it back, but it's just too sloppy and the plot just falls apart.

I haven't decided an official thing on what to do with it, but I might just scrap it and make a new book instead. Remember the Nickvacktors ideas I mentioned (on my message board)? Yeah well those have stuck with me for more than a month, but the thing is I can't seem to write it down.

I suck at writing and I'm trying to get better but I can't seem to sadly enough. Thank you for your patience I'm sorry again.

Thank you for coming to coming to my ted talk/rant/thing


End of Days (SGCbarbarian x Redvacktor) [Restarting Soon]Where stories live. Discover now