Chapter 15

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In the morning I wake up next to Matt. he's sound asleep so I try not to wake him up. I go downstairs to make a coffee and sit in the living room. I take out the book that I'm reading and read a few chapters of 'keep the aspidistra flying' by George Orwell.

Great book and an amazing author.

(Spoiler) It explores capitalism and socialism. Gordon is the main character and is usually depressed. He is a poet but whenever he gives one of his poems to a magazine they usually send it back making Gordon feel worse than he already is. He has a lover but she never sees him and Gordon blames his lack of money because he lives on 2 pounds a week. He said that we live in a mans world and if you've got no money, everyone else is aloud to walk all over you. They want to walk all over you.

The book is amazing and I love it. Just as I'm finished the chapter Matt comes staggering down the stairs.

"Hey." he slurs. I make him a coffee to help him deal with his hangover.

"Never again." he Says.

"Good because you were hard to deal with." I say and laugh.

He gives me a small smile before running his head and frowning.

"What's up?" I say worried.

"Nothing just thinking." he replies.

"About what?" I ask curious.

"It's nothing really." he says

It's quiet for a while.

"But-" oh the inevitable but.

"I feel like I'm sponging on you." he says serious.

"You're not sponging on me." I say back almost hastily.

"I know I am, when you let me stay here, I'm sponging on you. I don't do anything back in return. I waste up your time with me hanging around. You let me stay here and you feed me, Charity kills friendship and even relationships. Whoever the giver is always has a bit of disgust or hate towards the person they are giving to. It's just the way it goes. You may not want me around but I am." He explains emotionless.

"Don't be such a pretentious wanker. You never speak with these words, never. Where is this coming from?" I ask partly angrily.

"Hey, I am not someone who thinks or acts like they hold more possession and is better than they actually are and I don't abusively masturbate." he says Jokingly.

"What the fuck?" I ask confused and angry.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask aggressively.

"Do you find some pleasure in upsetting me? does it give you a good feeling? does it make you feel warm and fuzzy inside?" I ask angrily.

I raise my hand to my head and rub my temple before saying. "look I think you should just leave." I can't bare to look at him so I go upstairs.

I'm pretty sure he left I can't remember. I don't exactly know why he said that, I don't hate nor dislike him so why would he say that? I don't know boys are too confusing. Maybe he's on his man period. I don't know. All I know is that I need to go out.

I start to walk down the stairs before I feel an unbearable pain coming from my lower back. It's definitely not my period I'm not due for a while, what is it?

I let out a grunt as I try to deal with the pain. It's too much, I fall to the ground and scream "help!". I can't remember anything else.



I wake up in the hospital? I try to sit up, but that's doesn't work. So I lay in this stupid hospital bed until a nurse comes in.

"Oh you're awake." the nurse says. She's a medium size with blond hair. she tallish if say 5"10.

"Um if I may ask, what am I doing here?"

"Good question, I'm guessing you haven't been doing dialysis?"

"Shit." I mumble under my breathe.

"Well we've had to do emergency surgery on you and give you a kidney transplant."

"Oh.." I zone out and don't really listen to anything else she says.




Authors note: thanks for so many reads on this book. Argh sorry I haven't updated in ages, I've been meaning to but stupid assignments from school. Tell me your thoughts. Keep museing on with your museyness. Cheers.

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