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10:09 AM

    I drive back to the barn and unload the bales.

    "Why were you gone so long?"  My Dad asks me.

    "Carol was at the intersection and we talked for a minute. Then I got the bales and then K called me. Then Matt took the phones and then I talked to the boys."  I say.

    "Oh, okay.  What did K want?"  He asks.  I thought he was going to be mad at me.  Guess not.

    "He called to ask if I wanted to come down before two a days start for soccer.  Do you think I could?"  I ask him.  Please say yes.  Please.

    "I don't know why it would be a problem.  You went last year and it went smoothly.  We'd have to clear it with your mother though."  My Dad says.

    I smile, "Okay, thanks Dad.  K said he'd call us with more details."  I say.

    "Okay.  Can you take the straw in the barn and spread it please?" 

    "Sure can."

11:21 PM

    In the past hour and a half Dad and I got the cattle separated, the one steer weighed, made a new feeding bin, put down new bedding, and fixed some barb wire in the pasture.  We made really good time for doing all of that.

    "So when is Harold coming to pick the hay up?"  I ask.

    "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you that-how do you know Harold's getting it?"  He asks.

    "Carol told me."  I say.  We walk back to the shop while talking.

    "Oh, yes.  Harold will come around 1 or so."  My Dad says.  "Want anything?"  He asks as he walks to the fridge.

    "Nah, I'm good."  I say.

    "Okay, well I gotta go.   Can you get two bales of hay too while I'm gone.  Ashton will be gone with his buddies because he's going to the tractor and truck pulls tonight.  Mom is with Aunt Catherine today so you'll be gone alone."  He says.  YES.  I love being home alone.

    "Alrighty.  It's $5 per bale right?"  I ask.

    "Yep, just have Harold sign the check out to our farm account."

    "Alrighty.  See ya later."  I say.

    "Okay, see ya.  Love you."  My Dad says.

    "Love you too."  I say back.  He gets in his red Chevy Silverado.

    And he's off.

12:42 PM
        I almost forgot that I have to get hay for Harold.  I go out to the shop and started the ranger up.  I drove down the road and turned right into the farm. 
        I drove the ranger up to the barn and open the barn doors.  I see a white Chevy Silverado with a trailer pull into the driveway.  That must be Harold.  I pull the ranger away from the barn and park the ranger under some shade.  Harold comes up and parks a ways from the barn.  I walk up to the truck and I see a guy my age step out. 

    "Sup."  He says.  He was around 6'3" with blonde ashy hair.  He swoops his hair to the left.  He has brown eyes and small dimples.

    "I thought Harold was suppose to come?"  I ask.

    "Nah, he sent me here to get the hay.  I'm his grandson, Luke."  He says.  He puts his hand out to shake and I shake it.

    "Hard grip huh?"  He says.

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