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 Walking into the class room, I placed my bag beside me on one chair sitting on the other. During secondary school no one really paid attention to me and I sank into the shadows, I become used to it and it didn’t affect me, I just got down to work – which was when I realised my love for writing and reading not the coolest thing I suppose. In Sixth Form I sat patiently waiting for our English Literature and Language teacher for the first day of being in that new environment. I was so scared, but I wasn’t planning on telling anyone that. Everyone yet again ignored my existence as they trudged their way to the back of the class room. Typical. Making sure I didn’t make eye contact with anyone I looked up to the display on the wall beside my table.

“Is this seat taken?” I heard a voice ask, taking me out of my trance. I turned my head to see a boy with brown hair spiking up from his head, hazel seas for eyes, slightly muscly in white trakies, and his hood was up. Who is was that boy?

“Oh erm sorry no…” I said taking my bag from the chair, “You can sit there if you want to.” I tucked my dark, chocolate brown almost black straight hair behind my ear.

“What’s your name?” He asked as I took out my books.

“D-Delilah, what’s yours?” I stuttered. I didn’t get it. No one ever bothered making conversation before then; they prefer to act like they’ve never saw me. So why was he taking notice of me?

“Tom, it’s nice to meet you Delilah, you have a pretty name.” He answered, making me blush like mad. I turned away from him until my cheeks have calmed down from a shade of bright red.

“Thanks…” I eventually said, smiling. He smirked back to me in return as he got his books out not leaving the eye contact. He was certainly not like anyone else.

The teacher finally walked in and calmed down the class as everyone was talking (and for once that included me.) We all stopped talking as sir took the register; I stared at the blank board as he did so.

“Tom Parker.”

“Yep.” I turned to see Tom already looking at me. Mystery lying in his eyes.

“James Piper.”


“Delilah Rowen.”

“Yes sir.” I said before breaking the eye contact with Tom. We got work set that included working in partners thank God Tom was there - for some reason I felt secure and comfortable being next to Tom, despite not knowing much about him. I wouldn’t have wanted to work with anyone else. We had to read out a script with its symbols meaning how we speak the words.

“Delilah, do you want to go out with me, tonight?”

“That’s not in the script!” I laughed.

“No, it’s a question.” He winked, making me blush yet again.

“Okay then.” I said, grinning helplessly at him.

“Where we going Tom?” I asked as he chuckled, “Tom!” I managed to let out before laughing some more. Tom wasn’t planning on telling me where we were going until we were there.

“Thomas Parker! Where are we going?” I giggle as he stops walking.

“Delilah Rowen!” He imitates me, “We’re not going anywhere!” I give him a confused glance as I turned to see we were pretty much in the middle of nowhere surrounded by empty fields.

“I’m so confused!” I said as we both laughed, making him accidently crash into me.

“Why would we going anywhere, when we are already here?” I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion, “Basically we’re here!”

“Where exactly are we?” I asked as he grasped my hand and started to run deeper into the fields.

I never did find out why we went there, but we ended up going there all the time together. We didn’t have anyone else with us, we didn’t need anyone else. No matter how much shit we got ourselves into.  

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