Chapter Six - It's All Gone Wrong

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Chapter Six –It’s all gone wrong

I can face work today. I haven’t slept. I can’t. The bed’s too uncomfortable and me and Tom end up chatting all night long. But I have to go in seeing as I haven’t for the entire week. Me and Tom have spoken about it and I can’t pretend to be sick any longer and we need the money. This is true, especially after the break in. The council have sorted out our flat and its fine now. I’m so glad I have Tom beside me throughout this. The promise we made years back, I’ve never been more thankful about. He’s my everything. I don’t know whether it’s a good decision to date but you can’t help who you fall for. I can feel myself falling for him more and more.

Despite being late I finally make it into work, where my boss sat there on the desk not amused.  Then again, she never seems to be happy. She frowns as I walk pass until she’s behind me when I hear her spit the words ‘finally came in to word, I see…’ with her snobby, annoying voice. I take a deep breath and turn around to face her.

“I’ve been really ill recently… Only just got better.” I stutter turning back around. I’m the worst liar going.

“Oh really! What was wrong?” She says as I curse under my breath.

“Just vomiting and stuff it wasn’t very nice…” I say before going deeper into the shop.

Making my way right to the back, I march into the corner where all the toys are in WHSmith and grab my book from under the stand. I always go to sit here when I’m just meant to clean up the shop. No one realises what you did anyway, and annoying kids muddle it up anyway. I’m reading Romeo and Juliet. It was my mum’s favourite book. We both love Shakespeare. When she became ill with her brain tumour and she couldn’t read anymore, I read to her. She loved it, her face didn’t show it but her eyes did. Mum had beautiful dark chocolate brown eyes. People always claim I have her eyes but mine will never shine like hers.

Out of nowhere my boss Claire checks up on me and finds me here, in the corner. I slide the book under the stand as I stand up.

“What you doing, Delilah?” She spits.

“I’m just fixing up the children section.”

“It’s fine.”

“Well, I’ve just finished ain’t I?”

“I’ve got my eyes on you, Delilah, one more mistake and you’re fired.” As the words almost hit my ears I nod, shaking back the tears. How could she say that? She walks off aiming her eyes at me. I keep away from the eye contact and put the book in my bag secretly.

I take a massive box of art equipment and paint as I walk down the stairs to set it out with the rest of the art and crafts section. With thoughts running through my mind I slip as the box rolls down the stairs. Paint splattering everywhere with broken art equipment spread across the floor. Well, this it. I’m fired.

“Delilah!” Claire shouts making her way over to me, her face red as she fumes, “You’re fired! Get out of my shop!” I grab my bag and dodge the mess before sobbing outside the shop.

I run, sobbing my heart out, going the long route so I can avoid seeing Tom at McDonalds. I can’t face to tell him. I run straight into the graveyard where my mum lies five feet underground.

“Mum…” I stutter sobbing, falling hard next to her grave, “I didn’t bring flowers today, I do apologise. I’m just here to tell you… Tell you that I miss you. I haven’t come to see you in a while, I’m sorry about that too. Mum, Dad’s gone off with that Nikki girl again… I wish you were here, you are so much better than her, and you wouldn’t have left me on my own… I’m dating this boy called Tom, you know Tom… I used to speak about him to you in Sixth form. God, I wished you could have met him. I hope you approve of him. He’s amazing, isn’t he? We’re going through some hard times, and sometimes I don’t know how I’m dealing with it… But I am. I love you, Mum.” I say as I grab my bag, remembering the book. I start reading it out to here, putting tons of expression and gestures into it. She used to love it when I did that.

Suddenly I feel an arm go around my waist making me scream, I turn around to see Tom concerned, sitting next to me on the floor.

“How did you find me…?” I ask as he kisses my cheek.

“You weren’t at the flat, I went to the field, then your work where I was told you got fired…” He sighs, I can tell he’s disappointed, “And then I came here.”

“I can tell you’re disappointed with me, Tom.” I huff as he tightens his grin around my waist.

“I’m not disappointed but I’m sad, how did you get fired, Delilah…?”

“I kept getting complained at then I fell and paint got everywhere and so she had a go at me and fired me…” I cry.

Our conversation keeps going after I say goodbye to Mum as we make our way back to our flat.

“We can’t survive on me doing pubs and working at McDonalds… Delilah what he gonna do?”

“What can we do, Tom? We’re gonna have to go on the street…” I sob.

“Delilah, no…”

“Tom! We have no fucking money, we barely got 30 quid we can’t even stay in our flat for two weeks! Where else we gonna go, Tom?”

“Stop having a go at me, Delilah, every time something goes wrong! I’m sorry it hasn’t gone the way we planned! I’m sorry that we’re not working at places that we can survive from, I’m sorry we’re having sleepless nights because we can’t afford anything better! I’m sorry we’ve got no fucking dog, no published books, no good music career…” He shouts, “Delilah, I’m trying to give us the best we can have and I know some day we will! We’re gonna have what we’ve always dreamed of one day but for now we’re gonna have to survive…”

“Yeah survive on the fucking streets! Begging for money! Why don’t you just go home to your loving family…” I shout beginning to sob my eyes out.

“Delilah, why won’t you fucking listen to me?! We made a fucking promise to get through things together, I’m not gonna back out of that because life just got a bit shit! If we end up on the streets I won’t honestly give a shit because I’ll be with the girl I fucking love! I love you, Delilah, why can’t you understand that!?”

“I’m not backing out the promise either! But I honestly think we can’t do it… And what do you mean you fucking love me!” I say still fired up and fuming.

“There’s no other way to put it, Delilah! I’m fucking in love with you… I’ve fucking loved you since Sixth Form when I first saw you in English class! Delilah, all I want is you…” Still fuming at him I crash lips with him pushing him against the wall, he twists me round as I feel the surface hit my back as I break apart from his kiss.

“I love you so much, Tom…” I say before kissing him again.

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