Chapter Twelve- Take The Risk

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Chapter Twleve – Take The Risk

Before I can slam the door shut, Tom puts his foot in. I let go off the door in fear of hurting him when he pushes it open to reveal his face again. I can’t bear to look at him.

“What, Tom…?” I ask looking down at my odd socks facing his old meant-to-be-white converse.

“You are wearing my tshirt…” He says amazed.

“Yeah, what about it?” I say a bit too bitterly.

“I just didn’t know you took it.”

“I didn’t steal from you, Tom! I found it in my bag…” I say as he nods, “Do you want it back or something?!”

“No, Delilah, I want you to keep it… That’s not why I’m here…”

“Then why are you here…?”

“I want to talk to you…”

“I guessed… Rose showed me the messages.”

“Did she show you the last few?”

“No… Only up to me wearing your tshirt…”

“Well what I said after that is why I want to talk to you…”

“I’m listening…”

“I’ve got a scholarship to a university in New York… It’s a English and Literature class and…”

“I’ve always wanted that…” I end up being able to splutter. I’m speechless. I don’t know whether to be happy or not. That’s what I’ve dreamt of all my life and Tom… Well Tom dropped English and Literature in Sixth Form for Geography which in his eyes was so much better, “Well, I’m happy for you…” I say about to shut the door when it sinks in. He’s leaving for New York. He’s leaving. I guess he breaks promises too.

“Delilah you never let me finish!”

“Sorry… Carry on…”

“I want to give the scholarship…”

“What, Tom, that’s crazy you got a scholarship! Do you know how helpful that can be for you! I mean you’re gonna throw away your life for an ex-girlfriend!” I say as my eyes meet his.

“Whether we are going out or not! When my mum gave told me about it-“

“Tom, stop there! If you’re mum found out you gave it to me instead of taking it she’ll kill you!”

“Delilah! Just take it! I promised myself when I met you I’d give the world to you! I was only stressed because that was incomplete. Not you. You never made me stressed. I just want you back now… But I want you to have this…”

“But, Tom, your mum!”

“Never mind my mum! She’ll be angry yes, but she’ll understand… Come on, Delilah, this is your dream I’m not gonna let you throw it away!”

“It’s in New York though…”

“So…?! Look, Delilah, I want you to be happy! And I know this does! Life’s about taking risks! Please?”


“We’ll keep in contact through skype! Please, Delilah! I know you want it…”

“You’d actually do all this for me…”

“Of course… I love you…” He splutters blushing slightly. I crash lips with Tom feeling the warmth of his arms once again.

“I’ll take it. I love you Tom.”

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