Don't Mess With Her

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It was another typical morning at Bay City High (A/N yea I'm using their old school for this one). The only interesting thing that was happening that another jock joined Varsity whose name was Zack Tyson. Zack Tyson was incredibly popular, Not as popular as Mark but still popular. Which leads us to have another Mark Walker...sighs.... It was pretty much the same People chanting Zack's name, giving him his own shrine, and Zack getting a big head just like Mark but with one huge difference unlike Mark Zack was kind of cold hearted. He wanted everyone to chant his name in the hallways and idolize him so when he saw Ryan, Harris and Spyder, and Veracity at the lunch table not paying attention to him, he got mad. He walked over to them and said "Hey punks"
Veracity rolled her eyes while Ryan sighed

"What do you want jock" asked Spyder

"I didn't hear you dinguses chanting my name"

"1. Isn't that Marks word and 2. We never do... for any jock" said Ryan

This got Zack mad and he picked Ryan up and punched him.

"Dang Son" said Harris and walked over to stop him but received a kick instead

Spyder took the limping Harris and gave him support and quickly ran to get Mark while Zack was still kicking and punching Ryan. Veracity (left to go to the bathroom when Zack arrived) saw what was happening and had had enough "Hey you Jockstrap" she said

"Oooh" the other freshmen surrounding them said

"What did you just call me?" He asked

"Well unless you have the brain size of a Spyder then you know exactly what I'm talking about" she said anger clearly seen in her eyes

"Zack Tyson doesn't really hit a lady but one more word out of you and I'll..."

"I'll what" said Veracity "Hit me, go ahead and try jocko"

Zack moved towards Veracity and slapped her

"Oh no you didn't" said Veracity

Meanwhile when Harris and Spyder were trying to get Mark

"MARK" they yelled since Mark couldn't hear them (he was talking to his varsity buds)

"HEY MARK" Spyder yelled once he got closer

"MARK" he yelled again but this time it was right in his year

"WTH Splicer"

"1. Its Spyder 2. The new jock Zack Tyson is beating Ryan up and it isn't pretty, Look what he did to Harris" he said pointing to the limping Harris

"THAT JERK" said Mark " I never liked him" and ran off and his other Varsity jocks were following him but when they got there they saw a peculiar sight of THE Zack Tyson quivering in fear and inching away from Veracity.

"Veracity" half whispered Harris and Spyder while Mark ignored Veracity for a second and ran toward Ryan who was coughing blood

"Ry guy are you ok?" He asked

Ryan slowly nodded and whispered "Veracity's hurt"

Mark then walked over to Veracity "V wth just happened??"

"He tried to hit me"

"WHAT" exclaimed Harris and Spyder who just came supporting Ryan in between them

"He slapped me and then I punched his gut and things got ugly" she finished like it was nothing

"Are you hurt?" Asked Mark

She shook her head and when Mark gave her a stern questioning look she sighed and said " I think he dislocated my shoulder"

"omg we need to take you and Ryan to our FRIEND and have them both fixed up there" Veracity just shrugged and said "Hey Ryan how are you"

"A little bruised but otherwise fine" he said and coughed up a little more blood "and that" he added

"It should be fine just drink plenty of water" said Veracity and then the others took her to the Med-Bay while Spyder was saying "Life lesson: Never mess with Veracity"

They all agreed and when they got to the Med-Bay Harris scanned her and confirmed it was as she said a dislocated shoulder and put her hand in the cast for 2 weeks

"Thnx V" said Ryan "and you Mark"

"It was nothing its what team mates do... right?" Said Veracity

"Kind of" said Mark "Its what friends do" which made Veracity blush "and Ryan your my bro I've got your back" he said and hugged Ryan

A/N Hey guyyyys. So that was my first one shot, how was it??

Also do you think that Veracity is actually the type of person to do this? Well for me absolutely she's as tough as it gets


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I will probably post the day after tomorrow since I am alternating between this and my Harry Potter fan fic and also read my other mech book called betrayal and yea read it to find out what its about


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