Sacrifices pt4

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Please give me feedback on this since this gets crazy and I had no clue that I would take this here

Previously on Sacrifices

"No Leo look I know you guys don't care about me. I was just a sub for Harris. You don't need..." Veracity didn't get to finish her sentence since another round of ooze was flooding through the tubes and into the helmet

Veracity screams were like a tortured animal and it broke Leo's heart to hear them. Then a few seconds later Harris came running in.

"Ryan and the others are distracting Traeger and Grey so that I could come. I heard her screams whats going on?"

"Its this tube" Leo said pointing at the tube and Veracity who had fallen unconscious.

"wth is that" Harris asked

"some type of prototype red ooze" Leo answered "I'm gonna grab some of it really quickly and then lets get out of here."

So in 4 minutes Leo and Harris had gathered all the ooze and a flash drive in a bag and were carrying Veracity between them.


Harris and Leo got back to the lab with Veracity. When they got there Ryan, Mark and Spyder were already there. They were all a bit bruised but otherwise fine except for Spyder whose shoulder was bleeding and it was bandaged the best it could have been.

"Spyder are you ok?" Harris asked as soon as he saw him.

"Its fine. Just a little graze. What about Veracity" Spyder asked

"Well, When I got to her she was in this weird machine thing and she was covered in blood and was unconscious but Leo said he talked to her before the machine activated and then the rest I didn't notice since I was busy helping Leo with Veracity. I think he has a USB with surveillance" Harris said worriedly

"Yea we should see that. V is going to have a hard time if.... When she wakes up, and if we know what happened we can help her." Ryan said and then everyone nodded.

"We should go check on her" Mark said and then everyone walked to the lab's med-bay. When they reached the med-bay they were shocked by the sight that met them.

They saw Veracity in blood stained clothes and was covered in blood (including her hair). She was so pale and looked almost lifeless. The only assurance they had was her chest rising and falling and her pained expression.

"Im fixing her up right now. She dislocated a shoulder and she is obviously suffering from blood loss. I can finish all of these in minutes, even Harris can, but the thing I don't know how to fix is what the ooze did to her brain I have to test these sample. Harris please tend to her" Leo said worriedly and then rushed over with the bag of ooze. Harris quickly bandaged Veracity and put her arm in a sling. Then he went over to Spyder and bandaged his shoulder properly.

"there you go" said Harris when he was done

"when is V going to wake up?" Asked Spyder not really caring about his shoulder

"honestly I don't know I have to test her blood and see what type she is so that I can put some more into her and with the different red oozes that she was used for who know when she will wake up" said Harris sadly

Then Harris walked over to Veracity and took a sample of her blood and tested it and said "its O-"

"Im a B+" Ryan said

"A-" Mark said

"AB+" Spyder said

"Im A+" Harris said

Just then Leo walked in and said "Harris we get it, you got an A+ on your report card. We have a serious situation in hand know don't you think"

Harris turned red and said "blood group"

"oh" Leo said "sorry"

"its fine, how are the test samples coming?" Harris asked quickly turning the conversation around

"I cant seem to crack through them, they are... different" and with that Leo walked off

"ok?" Asked Ryan confused

"Anyway who can we ask about the blood group thing?" Asked Mark

"Well I know that Leo has B-" said Spyder

"How do you know that?" Ryan asked at which Spyder just shrugged

"ugh and we cant really get them from anywhere cause it needs a lot of paperwork" said Harris

"Guys what about Georgia?" Mark asked "I can ask her about her blood group"

"yea but then we have to tell her about mech x4" said Ryan

"its fine, she can keep a secret" argued Mark

"fine" Ryan said giving in

Mark then called Georgia and put the phone on speaker

"MARK WALKER,WTH HOW CAN YOU JUST DITCH ME" Georgia screamed into the phone

"Listen Georgia I can explain just give me a minute" Mark pleaded

"What do you mean explain, you left without saying anything!!" Georgia yelled

"Listen, ill explain everything but first tell me are you alone right now?" Mark asked

"fine ill hear you out and yes I am alone right now" Georgia said calming down

"Me, my brother and his idiotic friends are the pilots of mech x-4" Mark said deciding to get straight to the point

"What do you mean?" She asked

"I promise I will tell you everything but remember Veracity?" Mark asked trying to wrap this up

"Yea, she has helped me with my hw a lot of times" she said

"Well, she has been seriously injured by the monster and needs a blood drip and she is an O-, You were the only other person I thought of who could help. I promise I will explain everything later but can you please tell me your answer" Mark said

"I am..."

A/N Hey guys I'm back!!!!, yea sorry about the short chapter but I will post a pt 5 to this (wow this is long) and maybe more idk depends on the story. But yea I will post on Monday now sorry for the long wait I'm just dealing with typical high school things so thank u for still being supportive of me I love u. Also please leave down suggestions I really need them. Also If u haven't signed the petition for season 3 of mech x4 please do the link is in my conversation part, anyways

As always please


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