Virus Pt 2

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Previously on Virus

Leo took 15 minutes getting to the Mech. When he got there he was met by Harris who silently took him to the med bay and showed him the scans.

"oh no" he whispered when he was done

"What?" Mark asked quickly

"Mark, Ryan has a virus, and not a normal one, Its a human planted one"


"Wait, what?" Asked Mark giving Spyder a "did you do this" look

"Hey its not me" answered Spyder "I may be careless and reckless but I would never put Ryan in danger. I did something called SAVED YOU GUYS FROM A VOLCANO WHEN YOU WERE RUNNING OUT OF AIR"

"yea you know what else you did, you FORGOT TO TELL US ABOUT THE MONSTER HEART" answered Mark who was fuming

"Guys stop it!!!" Said Harris when Mark and Spyder ignored him he walked over to them and said "Guys!! STOP IT look" pointing at Ryan who had started groaning a little when they started shouting

Mark and Spyder immediately stopped and Mark went back to sit next to Ryan.

Then Leo spoke " Yes its human planted but Spyder didn't plant it"

"Yes!!" Said Spyder standing up

"Yea he is not smart enough"

"Hey, I always fall for that" said Spyder looking hurt

"Is there anyone else who has been here?" Asked Leo "wait who am I kidding, You guys won't be so stup..." but trailed off seeing the guilty looks on their faces " Wait, You guys let someone else in the robot?? Who was it?"
"Uh, technically Ryan invited her but um it was Grey" said Harris

"GREY? The one you said was making the monsters?" Asked Leo looking surprised and mad

Harris nodded looking incredibly guilty. Leo was about to interrogate them more but couldn't since all the technology in the room started to glitch and Ryan was groaning and muttering in his sleep.

"Mark, calm him down. Harris help me come up with an antidote, Spyder try to locate where exactly Grey planted the virus" ordered Leo and then everyone started doing their jobs.

Mark immediately thought of Ryans teddy bear and rushed in the Mark Mobile to get home and grabbed 2 backpacks that he packed for emergencies like this. They contained some food, clothes, shoes etc. 

Meanwhile Spyder was looking at the tablet Leo gave him and was looking at areas he thought has the virus. He immediately saw where the virus could be and headed to Marks workshop. In Marks workshop Spyder saw that all the technology there was buzzing and malfunctioning. Spyder ran to Harris and Leo to tell them about it but stopped to check on Ryan who had calmed down a little after Mark gave him his teddy bear, Spyder chuckled a little but then hurried off once he remembered that he was supposed to tell Leo and Harris what he found out. When he reached Harris's workshop he found Harris and Leo hard at work.

"Leo, I found out where exactly the virus is located" said Spyder

Leo told Harris to continue making the antidote and walked over to Spyder. Who showed him a where he thought the virus was on the tablet and then walked with him to Mark's lab where Leo saw all the lights flickering and then walked over to the med-bay where Leo saw that Ryan was stable for now beside his fever that was constantly growing. Just then Harris ran in and said "I finished the antidote" Leo grabbed the vial from Harris and poured it in Ryan's mouth. Then he checked Ryan's heart rate which was now normal and then told Harris to go to the lab and make more of the antidote. Then Leo took Marks arm and told him to take care of the virus that was planted in his workshop and he told Spyder to stay with Ryan. Just then the Heart monitor started going crazy and Ryan....


Hey guys whats up, hehe sorry for the short story and don't worry there will be a pt 3 to this one shot. Which will be posted the day after I promise this time. This was supposed to be longer but then something went wrong with my laptop. We wont go into details with that. Also I wanted to give Spyder a moment so yea. Anyway as always






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