Virus Pt 3

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Previously on Virus

Harris ran in and said "I finished the antidote" Leo grabbed the vial from Harris and poured it in Ryan's mouth. Then he checked Ryan's heart rate which was now normal and then told Harris to go to the lab and make more of the antidote. Then Leo took Marks arm and told him to take care of the virus that was planted in his workshop and he told Spyder to stay with Ryan. Just then the Heart monitor started going crazy and Ryan....


Ryan started hyperventilating. Technology all around them was buzzing and burning. Harris came running back in and heard "Mark" said Leo in a panicked voice "Take Spyder with you and go fix the virus".

Mark grabbed Spyder's arm and ran off to his workshop. Meanwhile Harris and Leo were trying to calm Ryan down but nothing was working. Finally Leo made a rash decision and said "Harris, here inject him with this"

"Leo" said Harris looking unsure of this decision "Why are you sedating him, he is weak enough already"

"Just do it" ordered Leo taking another scan of Ryan

Harris still wasn't sure of the decision but injected Ryan with the serum and Ryan calmed down. Leo then finished taking the scans and was staring at them for a while and when he was done he nervously said "Well, umm...the virus is eating away at Ryan's inside"

"So" Harris said understanding what Leo was saying "the virus is making his heart weaker and his brain as well". Leo nodded and said "it is also stopping his heart from sending blood all over his body." Harris started to get worried and pulled Leo to help him make another antidote quickly before Ryan...died.

Meanwhile Spyder and Mark went to Mark's workshop and Mark was horrified by what he saw. He saw all the electrical things in his workshop glitching or sparking or even burning. He quickly told Spyder to extinguish the small electrical devices that were on fire while he went to the Mech's interior electrical systems to remove the virus. Spyder quickly put out the fire but it took Mark around 30 minuted to get rid of the virus. Thankfully it wasn't a complex one. After Mark got rid of the virus he ran off to the med bay with Spyder on his heel. When they both reached the med bay they say Harris and Leo working hard on an antidote.

"Wait, isn't Ryan supposed to be okay now that we got rid of the virus?" Mark asked

Harris pulled away from Leo for a second then said "Yes but when the virus was planted inside the robot it was planted inside Ryan as well so we have to remove it from the mech and from him. Removing it from the mech only helped us stable Ryan a bit and gave him a bit more time"

"Wait by giving him a bit more time does it mean that Ryan's dying?" Asked Spyder

"Well, yes but Leo and I are working on an antidote and it's almost done" answered Harris. Just then Leo said " Not almost done, it's done"

Mark quickly grabbed the vial from Leo and was about to pour it in Ryan's mouth when Harris stopped him.

"What?" Asked Mark feeling annoyed

"Umm...well....When you were gone then Ryan was still hyperventilating and we couldn't calm him down and we had to..." Harris mumbled something at the end

"What was that last bit?" Asked Mark his temper growing

"We had to sedate him"Harris quickly answered.

"WHAT!!!" Shouted Mark

"Mark we couldn't do anything else we had too" said Leo

"Ok... so now what do we do with the antidote" asked Spyder

"Well, We have to inject it in him now" Answered Harris getting an injector.

Harris filled the antidote in the injector and injected it in Ryan. Ryans breath became more even and his heart rate was almost normal and Ryan just relaxed. Leo took another scan of Ryan and when he saw the scan he said "Well, the virus is getting weaker, It will leave Ryans body soon and he'll be awake in a day or so. When he wakes up he'll fell really weak and may have headaches but... he's fine"

Mark and the others sighed in relief

Time Lapse to the next day

Mark was still seated by his brother as he had all night long. Spyder and Harris had to go home since their mom wasn't on a 2 week business trip but they both promised to come back tomorrow as early as they could. Leo was busy all night repairing the robot since they never knew when a monster might come and he knew that Mark wants to be next to his brother.

9:00 am

Ryan still hadn't woken up but Harris and Spyder came into the mech and were now sitting right next to Ryan. Leo had finished with the repairs but he could tell that Mark and Harris and Spyder wanted to be alone with Ryan for a bit so he set to upgrading the robot

9:45 am

Spyder and Harris went up to Leo to help him with the repairs and Mark went to the bathroom. Just then in the med bay Ryan woke up he groaned when he woke up and looked around but couldn't see anyone and started to panic a bit. Ryan felt too weak to get up and look around so he tried to get the light to turn on and off all through the robot so that if his team was there they would know that he was awake. The crew did see the lights flickering and they all rushed up to the med bay thinking that Ryan was having another power surge but were relieved when they saw he was ok. Mark sprinted into the med bay and when he saw Ryan was awake he hugged him and then pulled away looking embarrassed. Harris and Spyder didn't care they rushed in and hugged Ryan followed by Leo. Ryan was confused when he saw Leo appear but then Mark and his friends told him everything that had happened and then Mark punched Ryan

"ow what was that for?" Asked Ryan rubbing his shoulder
"For not telling us about your headaches dingus" answered Mark

Ryan just rolled his eyes and hugged Mark


DONE!!! Yea so this 3 shot is done finally, I hope you enjoyed it and I wanted to thank all of you for reading this and just know that I'm always open to reading new mech books. So now I'm supposed to post on Sunday but idk I may or may not since high school and work and all that idk maybe I will post but yea

Please don't forget to





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