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A/N Hey guys just wanted to let you know that this is a flashback sort of so yea everyone is cute an tiny. Also this chapter is dedicated to @AlexanderSoto0 for asking me to do a chapter on this


There was a local 6th grade science fair at Bay City Middle school. Harris and Veracity had of course entered and Spyder and Ryan went to the science fair to show Harris some support.

At the science fair

Harris and Veracity had arrived 1 hour before to set up their projects. Harris had made a device that immediately recycles all garbage while Veracity had made a miniature working robot. While this was happening Ryan and Spyder were having a very serious conversation

" I want to be able to fly" said Spyder "What super power do you want Ry-guy?"

"Honestly" Ryan answered " I don't know, It would be really cool though to be able to control technology."

"Would it ever" said Spyder high fiving Ryan

Meanwhile between Harris and Veracity

"Well" said Veracity smirking "Here's Harry with his garbage project... literally"

"haha" answered Harris "What did you make your robot out of, pizza boxes?"

"Well, I don't see your trashcan of a project sucking it up, too bad it cant suck itself up"

"Well..." answered Harris but never got to finish his sentence since Mark came in just then with Dane and a couple of other friends holding a basketball.

"Hey geeks" Mark said " No one told me that there was going to be nerd stuff going on in the playground so pack it"

" Yea not today Mark, We have to finish our presentations" answered Harris timidly

"Well too bad, the playground is a place to play and it says so in the first part of its name P-A-L-A-Y" said Dane as he spelled it

Veracity rolled her eyes and said "Ok future jockstraps, this is what will happen you will leave our brilliant projects alone and... Harris's as well or this here robot will have something to say to you"
"What, this little thing Mark Walker isn't scared of that" said Mark

"Mark Walker also doesn't know how to use a pronoun, now move it or else" said Veracity threateningly

"Pff" said Mark "Do you worst"
When Veracity heard this she controlled her robot so that it went over to Dane (who was holding the ball) and took the ball from him. The robot squeezed it in his hands and the ball turned into a pancake.

"You were saying" Veracity said with an eyebrow raised

When Mark saw this he and Dane ran from the playground followed by their other friends. They met Ryan and Spyder on their way and saw that both of them were dying from laughter.

"Aww is Mark Walker getting soft" sneered Ryan

"Shut it or Mr Whoobie gets it" threatened Mark

Ryan immediately shut up and Spyder asks "Mr. Whoobie??"

"Don't ask" Ryan mumbles

Spyder's curiosity meter instantly sparks but forgets it as he asks "hey whats your middle name anyway??"
"haha" Mark laughs " Its ..." but never got to finish since Ryan tackled him to the ground.

"Dude you said you'd never tell" Said Ryan while he was sitting on top on Mark. Just then the light bulb that was placed right next to him exploded

"Woah" Ryan said and pushed Mark to the side "What was that" he asked Mark genuinely confused. Mark just shrugged and left.

Veracities project was being judged when Mark ,Ryan and Spyder were talking so she and Harris didn't notice what happened.

"Well Veracity," the judge said "This is a very efficient use of technology" the judge smiled and moved on to Harris. After she was done judging Harris's project she said "Well Harris, this is a very useful invention. This reminds me of Seth Harper, He cares about this planet just like you."

"He's my idol" Harris whispered but the judge seemed not to hear and moved on within another half hour she had finished judging everyones project. She was just talking to the other judges for a while so Ryan and Spyder went over to Harris

"Hey Justin Timerflake" said Veracity

"hehe funny every time" Spyder said. Harris just rolled his eyes

"cool, is this a robot?" Asked Ryan

"Sure is" answered Veracity and then quietly whispered in Ryans ear "Peanut"

Spyder and Harris were talking to each other so they hadn't noticed what Veracity said. Ryan meanwhile lowered his voice and said "you know?"
Veracity just smiled and gave him a look that said that she would keep his secret

"ok kids" the judge said "We have decided this years winners, this persons invention is going to revolutionize the world"

Veracity and Harris both gave each other a look that said its me

"This kid's invention is the most unique invention I have ever seen and so without further ado the winner of the science fair this year is...."

A/N MWAHAHAHA I am so evil I am thinking about ending this in a cliffhanger unless I know that people really want to know who won. The reason I ended it like this is since some people like Harris and some people like Veracity. Idk so don't kill me. Also I want to know what you guys think of this chapter and how I could improve (besides grammar) Comment any ideas you want me to put here and thank u all so much for waiting the previous week out for my updates I love each and every single one of you.
As always






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