Sacrifices Pt1

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A/N Hey guys just wanted to let you know that this takes place during Versus the Arctic. This chapter is dedicated @SaylorSo for always being the first one to read my book


Mech x4 and its crew were in the Arctic fighting Traeger. Ryan knew this was a losing battle and when Ryan saw that Traeger was going to jump in the robot he told everyone to get into the elevator but Veracity caught the look in Ryan's eye and knew what he was going to do. So when Ryan made the arm cannon explode at Traeger's feet Veracity turned around and pushed Ryan into the elevator and then the elevator doors closed and all of them were shouting "VERACITY" while Ryan was just whispering "no, that was supposed to be me". Then the elevator blew out of the robot and Traeger growled in anger and saw Veracity and walked over to her and saw that Veracity was running away he ran in front of her and stopped her. He then lifted her above the ground while she was struggling. The rest of the mech x4 crew could see everything that was happening since there were surveillance cameras in the robot and you can see the feed through the screen in the elevator. The crew were horrified by what had happened and when the elevator crashed down onto the snow the screens went blank since they were out of range and since they just crashed.

The crew got out of the elevator and looked around to see what they were dealing with right now. They were all worried about Veracity but knew that unless they take shelter soon they would be dead and if their dead they won't be able to help anyone. So the crew started to walk across the snow. They had been walking for 15 minutes when they got a call on their mech links. "LEO" they all yelled

"Hey guys, I came to the hanger to help Veracity upgrade the robot but the robot wasn't there in the hanger and I haven't heard of a monster attack so where are you?" Leo asked

"Yea umm we were in the Arctic fighting Traeger and then..." Ryan quickly told him

the rest of the story.

"Wow, ok umm I have an Arctic lab which you can come to and..." Leo worriedly but couldn't finish since Ryan (he was trying to connect to the camera's in the robot) started to scream. "RYAN" Mark yelled and got Ryan before he fell down.

"Veracity... unconscious.... Traeger.... tore robot.... half" Ryan managed to say and then fell unconscious. "Bring him to my lab guys" Leo said worriedly "I'll send you the coordinates and I'll arrive their on Marks car"

Mark carried Ryan bridal style and felt his forehead which was burning. Harris was checking out the coordinates Leo sent him and the sighed in relief since the location was only a 10 minutes walk. They quickly went over to Leo's lab and since Leo wasn't there so they placed Ryan on the med-bay of the lab. Harris scanned him and said "He's fine but he managed to say that the robot got torn in half in which he figuratively got torn in half." Harris then told Mark to lift up Ryan's shirt and when Mark did they saw gruesome marking on Ryans stomach. Harris applied a cream on them and said "He'll wake up soon just give him some rest. I'm gonna go and try and track Veracity." Spyder followed Harris out of the room but Mark stayed there with Ryan. 20 minutes later Leo arrived at the lab and saw Harris and Spyder at the computers trying to find Veracity. "Nothing?" Leo asked and Harris shook his head "and Ryan?"

"Ryan has a wound on his stomach but I applied some cream to it after I scanned it. Marks with him in your med-bay"

Leo nodded and set off in the med bays direction. When he reached there he knocked on the door since he knew that Mark was probably having a moment with his brother

"Splicer for the last time you can NOT eat any of Ryans leftover pizza that was in the mech, Its frozen" called out a voice

"Its me" Leo said slightly worried about Spyder

"Come in then I guess" Mark called back out

Leo walked in and looked at Ryan who was still sleeping "How is he?" Leo asked concern lacing his question

"Fine I guess, Harris said that he'll wake up soon. He's tough he'll get through. I'm more concerned about V though"

"please if you think Ryans tough then V is Mohammed Ali"

Mark laughed "true V is the toughest of us all... except for me"

"yea" said Leo but then the solemn mood took over again. "What happened

anyway?" Leo asked

"I'll just show you" replied Mark pulling up the footage that he managed to save.

Leo saw them fighting Traeger and then he saw Traeger jumping inside the robot and he saw Veracity push Ryan in the elevator and heard all of them screaming. He saw Veracity running inside the robot and Traeger advancing towards her. Then the screens went black. Leo was horrified by what he saw. "Why did Ryan say "no, that was supposed to be me"?"

"He said that?" Mark asked and then rewinded the footage so that he could see. When he heard what Ryan was saying "I honestly don't know. We can ask him when he wakes up"

15 minutes later

"Ugh where the hell am I" Ryan said waking up

"Leo?" Ryan asked confused

"Hey, You okay?" Asked the inventor

"Yea but what about Veracity"

"Don't worry Harris is tracking her right now. We'll find her"

"I should be down there then"

Leo took another body scan and said "you seem okay so just apply the cream and you'll can go join them"

Ryan applied the cream and left. He reached the control room and saw Harris hard at work with Mark.

"Ry-guy" Spyder said jumping of his chair and hugging him.

"You okay?" asked Mark

"Yea" Ryan answered

"YES, I found her!!" Harris exclaimed. Everyone rushed over to him "Look at these heat signatures no one can be this far in the Arctic except for us."

Everyone agreed with him and they quickly geared up to go save Veracity

At Traeger's Home base

"ah, where the hell am I?" Veracity said waking up in a cold icy jail cell. "Its freezing here" She walked over to the bars but then jumped back. "Electrified huh. No windows either." She looked in her pockets but didn't find her phone or any weapons, belongings she had (obviously).

"I see your awake then" Traeger said smiling as he entered her cell.

"what do you want freak" she asked boldly

"Just a little info my dear. Ryan got away but I still have you. You are the brains of the group right" Traeger said grinning

"1. Take that Harris and 2. There is no way I am telling you anything" she said a little frightened

"Well then, Lets have some fun" Grey said walking in with an evil grin

A/N DUN DUN DUN. This here is what I call an evil cliffhanger and a new chapter posted. This is obviously going to have a second part to it. Which I will post the day after. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please please please Give me some feedback and some new ideas thank you so much SaylorSo for supporting me all through my mech x4 books and thank you  for reading my other books also i want to thank @Mech-x4fan @random_girl_2020 and all of you others who have read my book if im forgetting anyone tell me in the comment ill mention you in my next chapter and as always







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