The Virus pt1

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a few grammar mistakes and dialogues were added nothing important edited on 7 October

A/N Hi guys just wanted to tell you that this takes place "After Versus the Big Bad". Also how am I doing with this one shot thing? Im new to this so comments? suggestions? Also request? Any storyline is fine with me. PM me or mention in the comments.


Grey just fell into the red ooze and Ryan wasn't doing so well because of 2 reason one he was feeling guilty about letting Grey go and 2 he kept having constant head aches especially when he was connected to the robot in the control pad and was in his harnest. Mark and his friends noticed this and were beginning to worry.


"Hey Ry?" Asked Spyder

"Mm?" Ryan simply answered since he had a headache

"Are you ok"

Ryan nodded to tired to say anything

"are you sure?"

Ryan nodded again just wishing this conversation would stop. Luckily Spyder stopped trying and just sat next to him and started playing video games while Ryan just stared off into space but Ryan on the other hand was just trying to distract himself from his headache since it kept on growing worse. It got so bad at one point that he yelped which made Spyder look at him

"umm, your about to die?" Said Ryan nervously

"Oh... ok" answered Spyder looking confused

Just then an explosion occurred inside Ryan's brain and he suddenly stood up to get out of the room but bumped into Mark who just entered.
"Ryan?" Asked Mark getting scared when Ryan pulled back and started to whine and groan

"Splicer go get Harris" Mark half-yelled. Spyder got up and ran shouting Harris's name all the way.

Meanwhile Ryan wasn't doing so good his headache kept growing and he was soon in so much pain that he was beginning to fall unconscious. Mark was already shouting for Harris by the time Harris actually got there.

"What happened to him?" Asked Harris getting worried

"I don't know" said Mark "He just bumped into me when I was entering and then started groaning and yelping and then he well unconscious"

"He was yelping too when I was playing my game" added Spyder

"Quick, Get him into the med bay" said Harris to Mark who was already carrying Ryan bridal style. Mark quickly jogged to the med-bay and gently dropped Ryan down in the med bed and Harris had already started to scan Ryan

"Well" said Harris after he was done "Ryan has a really high fever and..."

"How high?" interrupted Spyder

"114.3" answered Harris

Mark who just came with a few wet towels to place over Ryan's head said "What!!"

"Sh" said Harris pointing at Ryan who was beginning to whine a little after Mark's shout. Mark got the message and sat in between Harris and Ryan after placing a wet towel on Ryan's forehead.

"So yea he has a fever he also has something else but I cant decipher what it is" Harris continued

"Let me see" said Mark and shoved Harris a little but even "the Great Mark Walker" couldn't figure out what it meant

"Leo" Spyder suddenly shouted

Harris and Mark gave Spyder a questioning look

"Leo" he repeated "CALL LEO" he shouted when Harris and Mark still didn't get him

"Spyder thats.... Genius" said Harris
"Yea I know stuff" answered Spyder with a smirk

"Wow... Splinter knows stuff" said Mark half shocked and half sarcastic
"Its SPYDER, cant you get it right at least once" Spyder said exasperated

"Splicer... got it" said Mark absentmindedly since he was still worried about Ryan

Harris stepped out to call Leo and told him everything

"Leo just answered with a simple worried "Im coming"

Leo took 15 minutes getting to the Mech. When he got there he was met by Harris who silently took him to the med bay and showed him the scans.

"oh no" he whispered when he was done

"What?" Mark asked quickly

"Mark, Ryan has a virus, and not a normal one, Its a human planted one"

A/N CLIFFFFF HANGERRRRR. I am so evil, yea sorry you know the drill I will update the day after I promise. Yes this will be a 2 shot story so just wait. Also are my one shots ok?? I feel like my chapter story was better anyway thank you so much @Mech-x4fan for your lovely comment on my Betrayal story (if I forgot anyone please let me know and I will give you a shout out) and any ideas or one shot request Pm me or leave them in the comments

As always





Love you GUYYYYS!!!

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