Chapter 11

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I woke up and decided to leave early for uni. I had breakfast and left. My head had millions of questions which only my heart could answer. I decided it would be best for me if I give myself a break and not think about this. My thoughts were interrupted when I hit myself on a hard surface. OH lemme correct that on a hard chest. "sorry." the guy apologised and I smiled and walked off.

Trisha met me with a friendly grin and I tried to return it with the same enthusiasm. "How are you?" she asked. "and all good with your family?"

My family? Oh that lie, I quickly remembered and then replied, "Yeah going on..."

She nodded understandingly and said she had some work so I let her be and went to Ariana. No matter what Ariana was very understanding and mature. oh and also she could keep a secret. Hence I went to her to talk about the mess I put myself into. After narrating the whole story to her she was amazed. "oh so lets get this straight, you like him and he likes you but the reaon you're not accepting his proposal is because of Trisha?"

I nodded and she continued, "Won't it be best if you just told Trisha the truth?" just as she finished that statement, Trisha walked in,confused, and asked, "tell me what?"

Ariana had the same facial expression as mine and I quickly lied again! Uh I feel bad for doing this!! "Nothing, just the fact thatmaybe my mum and-d-d d-dad m-might h-have a-a- d-ddivo-v-r-ce." I managed to blurt out hoping that I didn't give her a hint. The next thing I know she's got her arms all over me and telling me it's all good. I started to cry. Not becausse of anything else but because I felt like removing it all out. I felt bad I lied to my bestfriend. I hated the way the uy I loved had his lips all over someone else. I felt pained that my life was such a mess. Oh save me someone. Ariana left us and Trisha was confronting me. I gave her a tight hug and said "sorry"

"you don't have to be. It wasnt your fault."

"Trish, thanks for being there for me and I'm sorry for anything I've done to you or will do."

"My girlfriend! I forgive you!" she said while giggling. I felt like a villain like those back in the 1920s. I didn't want her to stop smiling like this ever. Just as we woke up Ariana joined in and we had a small group hug session. "Lets go, class begins soon!" announced Ariana while wiping tears off her face. Trisha went to her class leaving the two of us.

"Why did you cry?" I asked Ariana.

"Because your story reminded me of someone very close to me." she said sadly and I decided it would be best for me to not ask her who that 'someone' was.

"Ariana, thanks for trying to help me." I said while hugging her and she returned the hug back with the same enthusiasm.

"Well I was saying, maybe you two should tell her the truth. It will only help her. Think of it this way, she loves Jacob but he loves you and you love him too. Why hurt her? Ever thought about how she would feel if she found out about your love and her in the middle? You think your helping her but no! You are taking her to a path where when she opens her eyes she will be hurt!" 

"Ariana what should I do?"

"come lets go find Jacob." she said and I nodded my head blinking away the tears.

After a search we found him sitting in the cafeteria looking at his phone. I stole a glance at his phone and he was doing the exact thing I do. Looking at OUR pictures. He noticed us and stood up not taking his eyes off me, "Hey you two? Here?"

"We came to talk to you." declared Ariana. He understood the message and sat facing us.

"Look Jacob, you like her and she likes you too." blurted out Ariana earning her a confused look from him.  He opened his mouth to say something but Ariana held her hands up so as to shut him and continued, "You should tell Trisha the truth! Stop leading her deep and deep into a path where she will only get hurt. The deeper you take her, the more she will get hurt." she completed it with a sigh.

"I would love to have you as my boyfriend Jacob, but it was because of Trisha's happiness I said no." I said while tearing up.

He looked at me and stood up. Coming towards me he gave me a hug and I returned it like my life depended on it. "I love you." I said with the tears coming out.

"Sorry." he said. Why did he say sorry? Oh no! He's going to say something that will gimme a blow! Oh shoot. He might say I love Trisha more now. Omigosh! 

"W-w-hy?" I chocked out.

"Firstly because I read your diary unintentionally and..." he started but I cut him off.

"You read my diary? Jacob thats suposed to be PRIVATE! Stop invading my privacy!" I shouted angrily.

"Ashley, Sorry." he said shamefully. I nodded as a sign of forgiveness and asked him to continue...

"and secondly because Trisha kissed me yesterday, I promise I didn't want to but she came to me and.... I saw you walking in. It took all I had to not push her away." he admitted apologetically.

I don't know what happened to me I gave him a hug. "I love you" he said and cupped my wet cheeks. He brought me forward and gave me a kiss!!!! Yeah on the lips... I don't want to spoil this eekss!! My first kiss.... The most passionate kiss.......

I returned it back and we stopped when Ariana cleared her throat so as to send us a message.

"We aren't done guys, what about Trisha?" she said in a matter-of-fact tone. Our smiles faded away. As we were about to say something Trisha walked in......

"Shit" I heard Jacob mummble under his breath. Everyone had mimiced my expression of fear and shock. How perfect? What will we tell her? Oh shit!!!


how was chap 11?

Unexpected right!!

Spoiler: not gonna give this one!


THE PIC OF THE KISS IS PUT UP! :p and an amazing video - just a kiss.

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