Chapter 2: January 15, 1917

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Chapter 2: January 15, 1917

Maria was searching high and low in the palace for her younger sister Anastasia but she was nowhere to be found. Maria was walking down the hall back to her room when she realized the old nursery room door was open. Inside sitting on the floor was Anastasia playing with some of the old toys. “There you are Nastya! I’ve been looking all over the palace for you.” Maria said glad that her search for her lively sister was over. “ I was wondering if you wanted to come to the Saint Petersburg Hospital with me to visit the soldiers?”

“Sure, why not! I have nothing better to do.”

The girls headed out to go to the hospital in the carriage. “What were you doing in the nursery Nastya?” asked Maria curious as to what her sister was up to. “The nursery has many good memories. I wish I didn’t have to grow up.” replied Anastasia truthfully.

“I know sister. It is so much harder now than it was as a child.”

The girls were greeted by the head nurse of the Saint Petersburg Hospital. “Grand Duchesses. Thank you for visiting our hospital, I am sure the soldiers would love some company on this dreary day.” Over in the corner was a soldier with chocolate brown eyes and hair was sitting alone with a chess board set up for a game. Anastasia locked eyes with the handsome soldier while her sister replied, “It is our pleasure head nurse Dia.” Then Maria nudged Anastasia’s arm for her to say her thanks.

After the head nurse left Maria leaned over to Anastasia and said,“You know that it is not polite to stare.” This broke Anastasia out of the stare between her and the soldier. “I do know that Maria.” Anastasia hissed to her sister. When Anastasia went to look back at the brown haired soldier he was not in his seat any longer.

Someone tapped Anastasia’s shoulder and she turned around. “Grand Duchesses” said the handsome soldier while taking a bow. “My name is Leonid, I was wondering if Grand Duchess Anastasia wanted to play a game of chess with me.” Anastasia had no clue what to say to Leonid but luckily her sister did. “She would love to Leonid.” said Maria. The two linked arms and walked back to where the soldier was previously sitting and started their game of chess.

“I hope this is not too forward, but why are you in the hospital when it appears that you have no injuries?” asked Anastasia trying to be polite as possible. Leonid made his move then answered her question, “I have recently recovered from a bullet wound in my arm and am awaiting my orders.” Anastasia jumped one of his pawns and nodded her head.

Their game continued with a light conversation and a couple good laughs. Finally Maria came over to take Anastasia home. Before leaving Leonid and Anastasia promised to write each other letters when time allowed.

Back at home all the girls were in the sitting room either knitting or sewing and chatting away about their day. “I can’t believe that Anastasia met a soldier and is going to write him letters! That is so romantic.” said Tatiana putting her hands over her heart.

“You know that nothing can come of it Anastasia. You are a royal and your soldier is well... a commoner.” said Olga bring the happy vibe down.

“Nothing is wrong with loving a soldier Olga. Do you not remember Alexander?” butted in Maria.

“Yes, I remember but nothing could come of it. Especially because I was betrothed to Dimitri.” Olga replied sternly.

“Anastasia isn’t betrothed to anyone. So what can it hurt?” said Tatiana.

“Her heart! If she falls in love with him and is forced to marry a duke or some other high ranking official.” said Olga.

“Let’s be honest here sisters. Who would want to marry me? I am going to become an old maid.” said Anastasia meaning every single word. Everyone tried to reassure her that she would get married but they all knew the chances were slim. 

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