Chapter 4: March 24, 1917

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Chapter 4: March 24, 1917

After the Tsar’s abdication of the crown of Russia he returned home from Petrograd. Walking in the front doors of his palace in Saint Petersburg he was met by ten of his own soldiers. The head officer stepped forward, “Nicholas Romanov, you are now under house arrest by the Bolshevik Secret Police. “

“Feliks Dzerzhinskii, I should have expected you to be here.” Nicholas looked onto the faces of the soldiers whom he had lead, “I see you all betrayed the crown joining with the rebellion.” Then the former ruler’s faced fill with worry, “What have you done to my family?” Dzerzhinskii nodded to one of the police members that had brown eyes and hair. The Bolshevik police officer walked behind Nicholas and chained his arms. “Officer Baskov, you were so loyal to the crown, what changed?” Nicolas asked the officer chaining his arms.

“I fell in love sir. I need to keep her safe and this is the only way.” replied Baskov sternly and not showing any emotion. Roughly officer Baskov shoved Nicholas Romanov up the long stairway to where he would be held. Guards from the Bolshevik Secret Police lined the hall where the imperial family lived. The guard standing next to the Tsar’s room opened the door. Alexandra was crying in the large bed when Nicholas entered.

“My love, do not shed tears. Our followers will save us from these devils.” Nicholas said trying to comfort his wife. Unable to talk Alexandra nodded knowing that her husband was right. “Are the children safe, Alix?”

“They are in their rooms, husband. But the bastard guards will not let me see them. What if the girls have been.... Oh! It’s even hard to think about.” said Alexandra. She started crying even harder thinking of how her children could be treated at the hands of the Bolshevik Secret Police.

“Maria, did you think one of the police officer’s voice was familiar?” asked Anastasia. Maria wiped at her tear stained cheeks before she replied to Anastasia. “A little. Some are former royal soldiers, Nastya.”

“I know that Mar. Maybe I am just making this up because I miss him but, I swear one of them sounds like Leonid.” said Anastasia staring up at the ceiling while laying on her bed.

“I think it’s just your imagination, Nasya.”


A knock sounded on Anastasia and Maria’s door then it opened slowly with a slight creek. “Oh, my babies!” cried their mother. “Mama!” the girls yelled happily while running to her open arms for a hug. “Is father okay? Did he come back?” asked Maria two more bodies came in the door. Anastasia looked up and saw her father followed in by a guard. “Father! You came home.” she said and rushed to give him a hug.

“How is the little pair doing?” asked Nicholas. “Fine, father.” the girls answered together. The guard closed the door but remained in the medium sized room. The parents and two girls discussed what had happened since the Bolshevik Secret Police showed up at the palace. After twenty minutes the guard interrupted the conversation.

“Your time is up. Back to your rooms Romanov’s.” said the guard adding disgust to the the family’s name. Alexandra and Nicholas hugged the two girls and went back to their room.

It was late at night and Anastasia was unable to sleep. Maria was fast asleep in her twin sized bed on the opposite side of the room. Carefully, Anastasia crept out of her bed and padded back and forth on the floor. Suddenly the door to the room opened and a guard walked in. “Anastasia? Why are you up this late?” asked the guard. “Leonid! Is that you?” Anastasia was careful not to wake her sister as she ran up to her love with tears in her eyes.

“Shh. My love it is me, Leonid.” he answered hugging Anastasia close. “Why are you wearing a secret police uniform?” Anastasia asked angrily looking into his brown eyes. “You are a traitor! You betrayed me, Leonid!” she hissed.

“I had no choice, Nastya. Please forgive me.”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2012 ⏰

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