Chapter 3: March 16, 1917

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Chapter 3: March 16, 1917

For the past couple months Leonid and Anastasia religiously wrote each other letters. Anastasia and Leonid exchanged stories of their childhood and discussed their days. The two were falling in love even though it was through paper.

Anastasia was in the front hall adding last minute details to her letter to Leonid while waiting for the letter carrier to arrive hoping for a letter from Leonid.

Dearest Leonid,

Many things have happened since my last letter to you. The rebellion picked up greatly, many workers are going on strike and organizing demonstrations. Father had the troops that were available here in the capital to suppress the rioting but many of the officers did not want to go against the riots. Many troops began to mutiny. Officers were either shot or just disappeared. I overheard that they went into hiding and that some even joined the rioters.

Father was on his way to Petrograd but his train was stopped by a group of disloyal troops two days ago. When he finally made it to Petrograd the Army Chiefs and ministers suggested that he abdicate the throne. I heard that Alexei told father to nominate the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich who is my uncle.

Today Michael declined the crown. Father is no longer the Tsar of Russia and on his way home. I am so worried. What will happen to you my love? Where will my family and I live now?

The letter carrier is here now. I hope this letter finds you in good health.

Always yours,

Anastasia Romanov

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