*Chapter 14*

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''Who are you?'' Rowan cried out in the midst of the forest, it was dark and the cold was harsh against her skin. She was crouching down, stirring the driver desperately. He was unresponsive , it was only the slow rising of his chest that proved that he was even alive. Adding to her fear was the dampness of his clothes, the scent alone told Rowan it was blood.

The feeling of being watched was intense, and Rowan knew the woman was there lurking and hiding underneath the darkness. ''I can't fight the psycho alone, wake up'' she begged, there was no way she could defend herself. The redhead woman lifted the driver using only one hand before, her strength was unnatural , death was almost guaranteed for Rowan.

Standing up, she groaned, her head pounding with pain. ''Sorry, you were screaming, I had to do something'' The woman revealed herself, her teeth showing as she smiled wickedly at her. Underneath the moonlight, Rowan saw her red eyes again. It looked wild and empty, as if there is no humanity left in it.

Ignoring the pain, she tried to flee, but was stopped. The woman circled around her fast, pushing her harshly back to the ground. ''Don't be a bad girl now and cooperate'' she said, her voice like a sweet melody. Soft and lovely, though her words are full of threats. She held her head with her hands and gasped as the pain intensified, her vision blurred for a moment.

''What do you want from us?'' she asked, her heart racing. ''Bella Swan'' she said, stopping in front of her. Rowan wanted to ask why Bella, but that would involve revealing that she actually knew the brunette. So she pretended, and showed that the name had no relation to her at all.

Slowly, she walked closer to her, and Rowan was able to see her features more clearly. The stranger was truly beautiful, her curly hair framed her face perfectly. Looking away, she stayed quiet. There is no way that she would tell the stranger about Bella, she was clumsy enough on her own, she didn't need any psycho after her.

''You're not talking..'' she said, her smile disappearing, as if she was disappointed. Crouching down to her level, she lifted Rowan effortlessly, her feet now dangling above the ground. ''Still not talking?'' Rowan remained tight lipped however, refusing to divulge any information. She closed her eyes as the woman lifted her higher, her heart racing as she felt herself rise. Suddenly, the woman dropped her without warning and with a loud thud she fell to the ground. She moaned at the impact, feeling her body pulsating in pain.

''Why do you have to make it hard?'' she said, pacing back and forth again. ''Maybe you need a little bit of pain?'' turning her eyes on her again, Rowan cowered in the ground. She smiled again, seeing the fear in her hazel eyes.

The woman grabbed her wrist suddenly, and Rowan yelped at the how cold her hands were and how intensely tight her grip was.'' You're hurting me'' she said, wincing. ''Well, if you cooperate like a good girl, then no one gets hurt?'' she said, her other hand caressing Rowan's hair.

"Let the driver go then" she said, mustering the courage , Jacob would be so proud of her. Actually, no, he's probably going to swat her in the head for her stupidity.

"What makes you think you have a choice in this?'' The grip tightened and Rowan let out a scream so sharp, that it didn't sound human when it echoed throughout the forest.Then there was a loud snap, it sounded like a tree branch breaking. Rowan yelled again,involuntarily this time . The pain radiated at her wrist , with the pain becoming unbearable as each moment passes by. How is she so strong?

she sobbed suddenly, surprising the stranger. Rowan could not restrain her pain anymore as she was gripped tighter "Stop it , please" She pleaded and Victoria let go of her in an instant. Rowan cradled her wrist after, seeing that it was slowly becoming swollen and bruised.

''Humans, why do they have to be so vulnerable? It spoils the game'' she complained, gently removing the strands of hair covering Rowan's face.  Rowan shivered against her touch, her skin was far from soft, almost stone like.

The driver stirred a little, and for a moment Victoria had forgotten the girl. Suddenly she felt thirsty, her throat felt hot and dry. The scent of blood from the driver drove the vampire into madness. Moving fast, she had the driver by the throat, sinking her teeth underneath his skin. There was frenzy as Victoria drank , her mind was blank, only focusing on the fresh taste of blood. She moaned as she felt satisfied, something about Forks townsfolk that tasted so good.

The driver woke up gasping, feeling pain radiating from his neck. He was feeling faint , as if his strength was being taken slowly. He tried to force the woman away from him, but she was so strong. ''Help'' he managed to croak out, reaching out to Rowan.

Rowan ran towards them after, trying to push her away, but she wouldn't budge. She felt like a stone hard wall, cold and moving. ''Stop eating him!'' she said alarmed and disgusted. Victoria felt satisfied as she saw her eyes, it was more than fear, it was complete terror.

Still enjoying the taste of blood , she pushed the girl away accidentally. The girl flew and collided with a tree, losing consciousness fast. Landing on the ground hard with a thud.

Victoria stopped for a moment , raising her head, trying to listen if her heart was still beating. If she died so easily, then she did all of this for nothing. There was some heart beat, and while Victoria wanted nothing more but to finish her meal, she had things to do. She knew her time was limited with Alice seeing her every move , Edward was fast too, it wouldn't take them long to track her.

Rising from the ground, Victoria sighed. Now she saw the girl as a liability. ''Alright, you're coming with me'' she said as she carried the girl effortlessly on her shoulder.Looking around throughout the forest, Victoria thought of what to do next. Laurent has already abandoned her, and now she's all alone against the Olympic coven.

Moving backwards  , she lifted the man as well, intending to drink more from him later. Victoria knew that hunting is impossible now, Alice would have seen what she has decided and it would make it easier for the Cullens to track her.

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