Chapter One

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Ailsa's Pov

Sitting alone at lunch had now become regular routine for me. My two best friends Hermione and Ginny stopped talking to me so long ago as they're too popular for me now ugh.

"Get out my way mudblood" said an oh too familiar voice. Draco-pain-in-my-ass-Malfoy. Today just wasn't my day was it? "Oh want to shut up Malfoy we all know you're a wee baby" I snapped back at him and the look on his face was priceless. "I'm sorry can you translate that in English for me please?" Malfoy began to laugh and the rest of the slytherin table joined in.  I swear the bullying you get for being Scottish at hogwarts was much worse than if you were as Malfoy so blatantly put it a 'mudblood'. England and Scotland don't get on too well and that's fact but to get this kind of abuse from a 17 year old boy? Well it was just pathetic. "Avada kadabora" I screamed as I took out my wand and pointed it straight at Malfoy. "No, no, no!" He screamed in return as he turned into a frog. God I loved it how the killing curse and the spell to turn someone into a frog sounded so similar. I picked up malfoy the frog and slipped him into my pocket. "I'm not done with you yet" I said as I walked away towards my dorm room.

I walked into the slytherin common room and took out malfoy the frog and placed him on the harsh grey table in the centre of the room. With the flick of my wand he was now a fully grown boy again. "Think that was funny?" He sneered at me. "No malfoy I feel so utterly terrible how can I repay you?" I said in the worlds most sarcastic tone. "Drop dead" he quickly snapped back walking up to his dorm room.

I suppose today isn't that bad after all.

Draco's Pov

Filthy, filthy mudblood. This is why father wants the school to be only pure bloods. Hogwarts would do much better without those scum disrespecting us pure blood families. That Ailsa girl has some nerve doing that to me and in front of the entire hall! Ugh.

I lay down on my green covered slytherin bed and took off my tie. I combed back my platinum blonde hair and then lay there looking at the bed above. God I hated this school. God I hated Ailsa. She's always been tormenting me ever since that day in potions class when we were only first year. It's not like it was my fault her hair was in the cauldron. Not like her hair was anything special anyways it was a long silver-ish colour and was curled in a way that made her look like she had put no effort in. Which she probably didn't. I mean over the years her looks have definitely improved but she had never been what I considered a pretty girl. She most certainly did not have a pretty attitude.

Ailsa's Pov

I walked up to my dorm room in tears from laughing at what had just happened. Malfoy sure could be an ass but he had it coming for burning half of my hair in year 7. What a prick. All he could say afterwards as well was "guess now you don't have to pay for a haircut" ugh the utter cheek. And to think I used to think he was cute. I've never seen a boy with such blonde hair in my life and it was rather magnificent if I do say so myself. His silver eyes complimented it so well also and the white shirts he always seemed the wear even out of class made him look even more attractive if even possible. Okay I won't lie he is and always has been attractive but that definitely doesn't mean I like him. My feelings towards him are quite the opposite but damn he was hot.

Draco's Pov

"Hey, toad! Have fun flirting with Webster"
Fuck me. Of course Jasper Cullens just had to be in my dorm right now. Jasper was my best friend. Well the person I could stand the most out of this stupid school but he was a massive gossip. If he knew something that means the whole damn school did.
"As if I'd spend my time flirting with a filthy mudblood like Ailsa Webster" I sneered trying to hide the fact I was terrified that everyone knew what had just happened in the hall. 
"Good because it doesn't seem like she's so interested and between me and you I heard Weasleys got an eye on her" he laughed, placed his slytherin cloak down on his bed and changed into a more casual outfit. I lay confused at what Jasper has just said. Ron liked Hermione and if it wasn't common knowledge you would just be able to tell by the pathetic smirks he makes around her. The boy certainly has a thing for mudbloods.  I Suppose he does like hand-me-downs and mudbloods are the hand-me-downs of the wizarding world. 
"I thought Weasley liked Hermione" I questioned.
"Yeh well that's what everyone thinks" Jasper replies with a sly smile.

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