Chapter Twelve

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Ailsa's Pov

I woke up the next day wrapped in Draco's arms. Shit did I really sleep into the next day? He was still sleeping like a baby. I quietly got up, got my things and prepared to leave his room when I felt arms grab my waist from behind. "Don't think you're leaving that easily" Draco said and kissed the back of my neck. "This was a one time thing" I said making it clear to him. He laughed then kissed me on the lips. He then smirked and said "sure" showing me the way out. I couldn't lie he was definitely charming. I sneaked out into the common room and took a seat on one of the sofa's making sure no one saw me. It was still very early in the morning and it was a Saturday as well so no one was up yet. I heard a noise from the corner and looked over to see who it was. It was Luna. What was she doing in here again? "Luna what are you doing in here you do realise this is the Slytherin common room and not the Ravenclaw one" she smiled at me before saying.
"Oh yes I'm quite aware I was just checking in to see if you were okay after all you skipped class yesterday and that's very unlike you. I mean given the circumstances surrounding Markus I understand but still wanted to make sure you were okay" "Well thank you Luna I'm quite alright though" I said in full confidence.
"Where exactly did you go yesterday instead of class thought?" My cheeks flushed and I tried to hide my embarrassment. I couldn't exactly tell her I was with Draco. I really didn't want anyone to know. "Uhmmm...I just went back to my room to nap" I said lying. "Oh okay well that's quite alright then as long as you are okay" she smiled politely. "Oh by the way are you going to the winter formal dance tomorrow night?" Shit I'd completely forgot that was even a thing. It was compulsory so I guess I kind of had to go. "Uhm well yeh I guess so I don't really have any other option"
"Great! Because I'm organising it if you didn't already know and I'd love to see you there!"
"Thanks Luna" I replied with a smile.
"Who are you going to go with?"
"Uhm well no one" as sad as that is i'd nobody to go with.
"Why don't you go with Draco?" Luna asked to my surprise.
"Draco? Why would I go with Draco?"
"No reason" she snapped back quickly then hinted to his dorm room door.
"You know I was with him last night don't you?"
"Maybe" Luna said with a grin. "But I also know Draco likes you and Draco likes nobody"
"And what makes you say he likes me?" I said rather confused.
"Well since when does Draco say a girl has 'mesmerising blue eyes'" did Draco actually say that about me? Why would he say that?
"He said that about me?" I asked intrigued.
"Well yes he did in front of the entire class as well might I add" I began to blush at the thought of Draco complimenting me. He really did have two sides to him.

Draco's Pov

She left the room and I sat back down on my bed replaying every moment of last night and this morning In my head. Waking up with her in my arms was the best feeling ever. God look at me I'm turning pathetic. Who would believe Draco Malfoy would fall for a mudblood? Especially Ailsa as well. My phone vibrated on the desk next to me and I picked it up and looked at the notifications. Reminder: winter formal tomorrow. Shit I forgot about that. I don't think I could stand another winter formal with Pansy Parkinson as my partner. I genuinely despised the girl the only reason I ever went to winter formal with her was because I didn't want to embarrass myself by turning up alone. I stared at my phone for a minute and then a thought crossed my mind. What if I brought Ailsa instead? I mean she was the only girl I actually seemed to get along with and I did sort of like her. Well more than sort of. My stomach had butterflies at the thought of having to ask her. Why was I nervous? I'm Draco Malfoy!

Author's Note

I've decided to let Draco and Ailsa have more time together in the next few chapters because they're too cute to handle 😍 my question for today is: are you going on holiday any time soon? I am, I'm going to Center parcs on Monday and I couldn't be more excited (despite the horrible weather right now)

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