Chapter Six

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Draco's Pov

I walked down the tight corridors towards personal studies, trying to forget about last night but it was hard to when I knew I'd have to sit next to Ailsa for the next 50 minutes. God help me. I walked into class and sat down in my seat. Huh, Ailsa isn't here yet. That's unlike her she's usually here before me. I took out my work as Professor Snape walked towards me. "I trust you have done your homework Mr. Malfoy?" He questioned And I began to panic. What homework? Since when did we have homework? "Judging by the look on your face i guess you haven't" he said in a monotone voice. "Well actually sir it's more a 'I have no idea what homework you're talking about' face" I said sternly. Guess I was getting a bit of Webster's courage myself. "The homework on which you had to say one thing you like about Miss Webster. Don't think just because she's not present means you don't still have to do it" shit I'd completely forgot about that with all that had been going on. What could I even say? Like we'd been getting on better but I certainly didn't love her and judging from yesterday I'd say the feeling was mutual. "Well..." Snape began "are you going to get up then Mr Malfoy?"
"Ugh...yeh I guess" I said hesitantly. I made my way to the front of the class and stood awkwardly. This is going to be the third embarrassing moment of my week after the frog incident and Ailsa rejecting me. "Silence class!" Snape yelled as everyone's attention was drawn to me. I could die right now and it would be less painful. "Begin Mr Malfoy" Snape said. "Uhm... I guess I like Ailsa's eyes" I started. "Like they're a really nice colour"
"Can you expand on that?" Snape said from the corner of the room. Can I just be done with this? "Well they're the sort of blue that really takes you off guard. They're really different and quite mesmerising actually." I really am going to get shit for this. I looked around at the class and some were laughing. "That will be all Draco, you can return to your seat"

Finally it came to lunch but still no sign of Webster. Guess she was sick. I sat down at the slytherin table next to Jasper, Crabbe and Goyle and began eating my lunch. "What was all that about?" Asked Jasper. "What was what about?" I replied confused. "I heard that you were gushing about Webster in class last period. You don't like her do you? She's a mudblood" ugh stupid boy. Of course I didn't like her. Well I don't think I did... "I wasn't gushing about that mudblood I'd just to get the homework done with" I lied. "Ah okay" Jasper simply stated. All of a sudden the hall doors opened and Webster came in. Her face was tear stained and red. She'd clearly been crying. What about though? Had someone hurt her? I stopped myself from standing up when I saw Hermione Approach her.

Ailsa's Pov

I finally managed to get myself out of bed and downstairs for lunch. I couldn't face seeing Draco in class today not with what happened yesterday I was simply too scared. How pathetic of me. As soon as I entered the hall Hermione approached me. Odd, why would she be wanting to talk to me? We hadn't spoken in years. "How dare you!" She yelled and her fist hit my face. I placed my hand against my nose and realised it was bleeding. What the hell. "What the fuck Hermione what was that for?!" I yelled back angrily. "You know fine well what that was for" but I had no idea. "I don't you git that's why I asked!" Her face turned red with what I assumed to be rage. "Do I really have to say it? For kissing Ron you dumb dimbo!" What? I hadn't kissed Ron. Why would I even do that? "And don't even try and deny it. I saw you two late last night in the courtyard. You were clearly kissing and from what I could see enjoying it too! Did you put a spell on him? Is that it? Trying to get back at me for not speaking to you!" The whole hall was looking at us now including the teachers but they didn't dare interrupt. Hermione was scary when she was angry. "I didn't kiss Ron at all! I was with Draco all night last night. It was him I was in the courtyard with. It was him I kissed!" The whole room gasped and my face turned red. "Yeh because I would believe that. Everyone knows you two hate each other. Always have, always will" Hermione wrongfully stated. "Tell her Draco, tell her it was you!" I turned to Draco who was caught off guard. There was a pause before he opened his mouth and said "yeh right as if I'd be caught dead with you mudblood!" I was so confused. Was I with Ron last night? Had I just imagined it was Draco? No it definitely was Draco. It was his broom, his face. Him. Even if Ron for some strange reason had used polyjuice potion he wouldn't have known the slytherin password to get into Draco's dorm. But why would Draco lie? Was I that much of an embarrassment? I ran out the room without another word, tears once again streaming down my face overlapping paths they'd already been.

Draco's Pov

She ran out crying. Well it's what she deserved for rejecting me last night but I still couldn't help feeling guilty. What have done? The slytherin table laughed at her tears whilst everyone else was in shock including me. What have I done?

Author's note

Ahhhh I'm so excited to write the next chapter. Prepare for even more drama! My question for you guys today is: where are you from? I'm from Scotland :)

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