Chapter Fourteen

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Ailsa's Pov

8:00pm. Time to get Draco. I walked swiftly over to his dorm in a silk green dress, my hair curled and tied up into a pony tail and some light makeup on. I knocked on his door and he opened looking sad. "Draco are you-"
"Wow" he said cutting me off. A blush crept up on his face and I could tell he didn't mean to say that out loud. I smiled and said "thank you" blushing. He smiled back at me. "So who are you going to the ball with?" He asked sadly. I couldn't keep to the plan anymore. I wanted to tell him so much. "Uhm well you...if you'd like anyway?" God I couldn't believe I said that. How stupid of me. I started panicking realising he was probably not wanting to go with me and I looked like a fool. "Of course I'd want to!...I mean yeah sure" He replied blushing. "Just let me get changed first" and with that he entered back into his room. I sat down on the sofa in the middle of the common room and waited. 20 minutes passed and I started to think he left me but then I heard a door open and footsteps come down the stairs. I looked over at the stair case and there he was in a fully black tux and his hair slicked back. He was stunning. My mouth dropped as I looked at him. "Wow" I said before he could speak. He laughed and simply said "thank you" he then walked over to me and took something out from behind his back. It was a piece of parchment and a rose. "I just...I thought I should give you this" he said shyly. He was cute when he showed any sort of emotion other than anger. I took the rose and then opened up the piece of parchment. It was a drawing. A beautiful drawing of me. I'd never received something so flattering. I kissed him and then smiled at him. "Thank you" I said. He smiled back at me too. I then placed the piece of parchment in my dress pocket. Yes my dress did have pockets and yes that was the smartest thing I'd ever came across.

Draco's Pov

She had never looked so pretty in her life. I mean she was always pretty but today she took pretty to a whole other level. Why did she make me feel like this? We walked down the stairs and entered into the grand hall while everyone watched us as we passed. We were definitely making quite the scene. I suppose it was kind of odd us two together, after all we hadn't been the best of mates for years. I'm glad we are okay now though. It was actually quite nice getting to know her. She was actually pretty interesting. "Right everyone first dance!" Said Professor McGonagall from the centre of the room. I hated dancing. It was embarrassing.  I suppose it was worse when I was with Pansy though. However I still took Ailsa into the centre of the hall and began dancing. I was so nervous for some reason. She looked up at me and smiled and I smiled back nervously. "You're really good at this" she said clearly lying. "You're not so bad yourself" I answered back. And truth be told she was a good dancer. She glided from side to side with me without flaw. She even managed to make my mistakes missable. She was very elegant and I was very impressed. I wanted to kiss her but I couldn't no matter how much I was beginning to like her. I couldn't face the attention the entire room would give us I mean it was already bad enough. "Hey, Uhm Ailsa do you want to get out of here for a bit?" I said and scratched the back of my head. After all we'd been dancing for almost an hour now and I'd been getting tired. I have to admit although I am in the quidditch team I definitely had no stamina. Even for dancing. "Sure" she said and and grabbed my hand, her fingers interlocking mine. I could tell my face was burning red. I really didn't have a liking for this kind of attention. I'd never experienced something quite like this. We walked outside (far away from the lake of course) and took a seat out in the gardens. It was really cold outside. I'd never felt it this cold before. Without thinking too much I took off my blazer and covered her with it. She cuddled into me and kissed my cheek lightly. She made me feel so happy. Just then an insane idea came across my mind. An insane idea that I just might go ahead with. I turned to look into Ailsa's eyes and said "will you be my girlfriend?"

Author's Note

Ahhhh they're too cute I'm soooo happy to get them together without some drama but I'm feeling like there hasn't been enough drama between them recently ;) also right now I'm on holiday and we're watching the movie Coraline which totally freaks me out so much. Have you guys ever seen it?

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