Chapter Seventeen

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Ailsa's Pov

I woke up once again in Draco's arms, a feeling I'd never quite get used to. I sat up on my bed while Draco lay fast asleep still in my bed. I picked up my phone and glanced at the time. 10:00am! Omg I was an hour late. I shook Draco as hard as I possibly could to wake him. "Get up! Get up!" I yelled.
"Five more minutes" he groaned, pushing me away. "No not five more minutes, now!" I grabbed him by the hand and pulled him up. "But why?"
"Because were an hour late for school you idiot!"
"So what? Not like you haven't skipped school before"
He had a point.
"Yes, but that was two periods not an entire day now get up!"
"Okay okay sorry!" He said as he got up from my bed. "Honestly though, considering what happened last night I think you should take the day off. I'll stay here with you if you want-"
"I'm fine" I snapped, cutting him off. Honestly I did feel better. I didn't feel amazing but I most certainly felt better. Life isn't fair and I had to get used to that.

After getting dressed Draco and I raced through the corridors towards class (and when I say raced I mean I ran and he rather slowly walked). We knocked on the door before entering. "Ah Draco and Ailsa, late as always" said Professor Lupin. What did he mean late I was never late! Well except today, and maybe last Friday and maybe the day before that and-
"This class is ridiculous anyways" sneered Draco Now standing with his usual followers: Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy. I couldn't stand Pansy. The mere mention of her name made my blood boil. She thinks she is everything I swear but once you ignore her for what she's good at you see true ugliness. I can't deny she was good at some classes but she was thick as hell in others, and she always had this look on her face. A look that said 'if you so much as talk to me, you're dead'. Long story short she isn't liked by me certainly, or Draco but that didn't stop her from flirting with him every chance she got. Urgh.
"Well that's your opinion Draco" said Lupin as he turned to face Harry Potter.

Draco's Pov

Harry's turn to face the bogart ha! I wouldn't be surprised if his biggest fear was me! He was pathetic yet everyone praised him for the simplest thing. He even portrayed Quidditch as a life or death situation. He over exaggerated everything but everyone still kissed his ass even Dumbledore but mind you he was pretty pathetic as well now a days. Only good thing that teacher had ever done for me was get rid of Markus.

He stepped up to the brown, damaged cupboard and prepared to face his biggest fear. Lupin opened the door and out came a-Dementor? There was screams across the class as it came closer. Not going to lie even I was slightly scared not like I was going to admit it though. I backed away as Pansy grabbed me for protection. I shook her off just as Professor Lupin stood in front of the Dementor transforming it into the moon. He was scared of the moon? Strange. Potter fell to the floor and I couldn't help but laugh. "Have a nice trip there Potter!" I yelled and the rest of the class began to laugh with me. "Shut it Malfoy!" Snapped Hermione from across the class. She was a mouthy little witch if I ever met one. "Uhm I think Harry can fight his own battles Hermione" said Ailsa who was still standing towards the front of the class. Hermione gave her a dirty look and then walked away. Ailsa looked up to me and smiled. I really did love her at times.
"Got yourself a girlfriend, Malfoy!" Said Weasley, laughing.
"Yeah and what? Least I'm not dying alone" I replied to a now stunned Ron. "Class dismissed" came Professor Lupin who i forgot was even in the class. Everyone walked out of class and Ailsa came towards me. "So I'm your girlfriend am I now?" She said smirking.
"When did I ever say you weren't" I replied and winked at her. She smiled and then kissed me.

Ailsa's Pov

Okay so I'm now officially Draco's girlfriend. Now what? Like am I supposed to sit with him at lunch? Am I supposed to hang out with him after school all the time? I'd no idea what having a boyfriend from the same school as me was like. I'd always purposely avoided speaking to boys form my own school. I just didn't want to get involved with them after all Slytherin boys had a reputation for leading girls on. Draco was different though. I just knew he was.

I made my way into the hall and Draco waved at me to come over. By now no one was even surprised to see us together. I suppose we had been making it pretty obvious lately that we like each other or maybe that was just me? I walked over to him and sat on the seat next to him. He kissed me on the cheek and then continued his conversation with Crabbe, but then came Perfect Pansy. She sat on the other seat next to Draco and then kissed his cheek. I couldn't believe the nerve she had! "Oh fuck off Pansy!" I yelled inside my head. Wait. That wasn't inside my head was it? Shit.
"I'm sorry what did you just say to me!" She said and began to stand up. Well no backing out now I guess.
"I told you to fuck off. I'm sorry did I stutter?" Draco looked at me and smirked. I could tell he was enjoying this. Two girls fighting over him. Yeah he was definitely enjoying this.
"No hunny I just couldn't hear you over that ridiculous Scottish accent." She laughed at me and the rest of the table began to laugh as well.
Just then there was a loud bang as Draco hit his fist on the table. Everyone went quiet including Pansy. "Pansy do yourself a favour and listen to the girl honestly no one wants you here!" He yelled from his rage.
"Huh" she yelled and stormed off and sat next to Zabini. That's just typical of Pansy. Always going to get one guy.

Author's Note

Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter :) but I'm thinking of maybe ending this books soon I don't know though 🤔 my question for you guys today is: what do you picture me looking like?

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