Chapter Twenty

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Draco's Pov

I managed to find my way to the boys bathroom thanks to Krum and took out the Teleportation charm. I leaned against the edge of the bathroom stalls and pondered what to do. I have no idea where this thing is going to take me and if I leave, my father will be looking for me. He'd make sure I suffered for leaving but then again I don't want to be here and I really want to see Ailsa after all we'd just got together! I paced back and fourth and finally came to a decision. I took the charm in my hand and turned on one of the taps, placing it under the running water. Here goes nothing.

Ailsa's Pov

I stood alone in a nearby meadow just hoping to see Draco. I had a plan. I held Draco's broom nervously in my hand as everything remained silent. Maybe he wouldn't come. I thought to myself. "He probably won't come" said Hermione next to me making me doubt myself even more.
"Don't be silly of course he Will" replied Luna. I was glad to have her as a friend, I'd most definitely miss her when or if I left. All of a sudden there was a flash of light and someone emerged from it. It was Draco. He came! I ran over to him and hugged him tightly in my arms.
"I did tell you Hermione" came Luna from behind and Hermione just groaned. "I didn't think I'd ever see you again" I said as a tear rolled down my cheek. "I told you I'd never leave you" he said smiling. "Why have you got my broom?" He asked sounding concerned.
"Draco... we have to leave now. Your father will be looking for us and god knows what he'll do if he finds us. Luna has managed to get us a place-" Hermione coughed loudly interrupting me. "With the help of Hermione" I continued. Draco grew paler than he already was.
"I'm not sure we should do this" he said.
What do you mean? We have no choice! Your father will know you're gone soon and even if you return he'll be sure to make sure I'm punished for getting you out. You promised you wouldn't leave me again" anger started to fill up inside me. I'd done so many risky things tonight all for him and he wasn't even sure he wanted to come with me. "Draco I advise you go. It's for the best" said Luna backing me up.
"Besides the house I've managed to get for you two is rather lovely" she continued.
"And you promise we'll be safe there?" Draco said to Luna.
"Oh yes quite safe" she replied confidently.
"Okay then Alisa. I'll go. I'd go anywhere with you" he said and kissed me. I was relieved he was coming with me but I couldn't quite help but feel mad at him after all not one minute ago he wasn't sure if he'd go and now he'd 'go anywhere with me'. The boy changes his mind every minute and I can't say that was a characteristic I liked about him.
"What about clothes though, like will I have to pack my things?" He asked stupidly.
"I'm not an idiot" said Hermione. "I'd hardly plan all of this out without having your things ready Malfoy!"
"What is she even doing here?" Draco said turning to me.
"Uhm I'm helping her out with something and she did us a favour"
"Ah okay" he simply said without question.
"Are you sure you want to do this Ailsa? After all I wouldn't let my father touch you" he said honestly.
"I know Draco but I can't stop him from hurting you" I said sadly. It was true, If Lucius went after Draco there was nothing I could do about it after all it was his own father.
"Guys you better hurry and go before Lucius finds out you're gone" commanded Hermione.
"She's right you know" joined in Luna. Now if Luna was Agreeing with Hermione then Hermione must be right. Draco got on the front of the broom and I hugged him from behind. "I'll miss you Luna" I said before we were lifted from the ground into the pale blue evening skies. I was scared. Not of flying anymore but of what was to come. I'd no idea what life was going to be like for us now and I wasn't sure if it was going to be good but I trusted Draco to keep me safe and as long as I was with him life couldn't be so bad no matter what we had to face. "Draco..." I said from behind him. "I love you"
"I love you too Ailsa"

Author's Note

Hey guys! I think this might be the last chapter in this book :( but I might write a sequel! If that's something you'd be interested in please let me know!

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