Chapter 2

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Three weeks earlier...
New York City...

It is a typical, warm New York summer's day. In Harlem, there's an apartment building overlooking Central Park. A young girl enters an apartment by pushing the door open with the back of her foot; she's carrying a bag of groceries. One inside, she uses her bum to close the door. She's on the phone; it's resting in between her tanned shoulder and her ear. Her keys are in her hand. She has brown hair, tied up in a high ponytail, and has hazel eyes. She's wearing a blue tank top, exposing her cleavage and well-toned midriff, and is wearing black tights and white sneakers.

(Remember that girl from earlier? Yeah, that's her...)

"Yes dad." she said, in a British accent.
"I will dad."
"Yes I love you too, dad."
"Bye, dad."

She puts down the groceries and hangs up the phone. She takes her mail out of the bag and sighs as she looks through them.

"My pay check still hasn't come through yet." she said.

She stops suddenly. One of the envelops has big red writing on it. It reads:


She frantically tears it open. It said that she's running behind on her rent. She sighs again.

"This is not good." she said.

A rather angry look appears across her face and she storms off out of her apartment towards the super intendent's apartment.

She reaches the super intendent's apartment and bangs angrily on the door.

The door opens and a rather large man in dark green overalls steps up.

"Ah, Miss Maxwell," he said, "how lovely to see you." the man continued, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"It's Clara!" she yelled.
"You know, you're three months behind on rent?"
"Yeah, I know!" Clara yelled.
"You need to start paying or you're outta here."
"I will Mr Clarkson. I'm just waiting for my salary for this month to come through and then I can pay." Clara explained.
"And what about the last two months?" Mr Clarkson asked her.
"I'll pay those too." Clara said.
"You have two weeks to pay up or you'll have to find somewhere else to live." Mr Clarkson said ominously. "Good day Miss Maxwell or should I say," he leans over, "Clara."

With that he closes the door.

"Arsehole." Clara muttered angrily under her breath. "I need a drink." 
Clara walked out of the building and headed to the bar.

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