1.Chapter 1

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Today I saw a boy,

and I wondered if he noticed me,

he took my breath away

-Dear Diary,Brittney Spears


   After Sasuke had left for his mission with squad 7,I'd been kinda lonely at home.Every Saturday we'd do something together so that we didn't drift apart but now we have missions, and that comes first.He was only  gone a week and a half but it still seemed like forever.Lady Sensei had spoken to us about the chunin exams already and I wondered if Kakashi had gotten a chance.

  Squad 7 had gotten back last night and Sasuke had promised to do something with me the next day.I told him that we could meet up next to the forest in the afternoon because I had training with Daichi and Tokito.We didn't spend alot of time on training and I was perfectly fine with that.From where I was it only took a few minutes until I reached the spot.Sakura and Naruto were there.I stood next to him barley noticed as everyone watched Konohamaru bump into a sand village ninja.He looked like a cat with all the makeup on his face.My eyes drifted to the  bodily-like figure strapped tightly a white cloth.

  A puppet master?What about the girl next to him?

  Her blonde hair was done up in four pigtails and had a perfectly polished fan on her back.It was held by a blood red sash,tied in a bow.The look of their abilities didn't look like much but they're from the sand.They have to be strong, and the looks on their faces were intimidating.

  "Do you need something?"He said, peering down at Konohamaru.Everyone looked at them and cowered in fear.

  In the blink of an eye, cat face picked up Konohamaru by his collar and was choking him.Konohamaru tried to take the sand ninja's hand away but he was far too small and weak for him.

  "Konohamaru!"Naruto shouted as if it was going to actually help Konohamaru.

  "So does this hurt punk?"The sand ninja said with a sickly grin on his face.He squeezed harder on Konohamaru's collar and pulled his closer.I could feel Konohamaru's pain just by looking at him.

  "Put him down Kankuro."The blonde said."Or you'll pay for it later."

   So his name is Kankuro.Where have I heard that before?

  I pondered that for a moment until Sakura spoke up."Hey I'm sorry.The whole thing was my fault."I looked over to her.It was true,this was her fault.But Konohamaru did make fun of her forehead.Her expression could be read clear as day.Who are they?

  Don't worry Sakura they're here for the chunin exams.I turned my gaze back to the sand ninja just as Naruto screamed almost in my ear."YOU BETTER TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF HIM RIGHT NOW!"

  I saw Kankuro shift his gaze to our headbands and smiled creepily."We got a few minutes before he gets here.Let's mess with these punks huh?"He said squeezing Konohamaru a little more.I could tell Konohamaru would'nt be able to breathe a lot longer.He tried kicking Kankuro but he didn't succeed very well."Let go of me you jerk!"He managed to shouted between his gritted teeth.

  That most definitely did not help his case.

  "You're feisty,but not for long."Kankuro said.He twisted his fist.I don't want to fight him since they're here for the chunin exams and i fight be facing off against.Plus even if he were to beat up Konohamaru and Naruto, 1,I would not let him,2, they would be disqualified from the chunin exams.

  I could tell Naruto was getting mad.His knuckles were white as snow from him clenching his fist so tight.

  "Put him down!"He yelled while charging at him.I took a fighting stance just in case.

  Watching intently I noticed a small movement Kankuro made with his free hand which sent Naruto on his back.His head popped up with a puzzling look.

  "What the?!?What was that!?"

  "Your a leaf genin too?Looks like your village is full of wimps."Kankuro said.Then one after the other Naruto, Moegi and Udon shouted Konohamaru's name.

  Without being noticed I teleported behind Kankuro with a smug grin on my face.I snatched Konohamaru back, and sent a round-house kick to Kankuro's face.I got Konohamaru back to Sakura and the others turning back ready to fight but as soon as Kankuro got to his feet Sasuke threw a pebble at him.

  Of course.He always here to save the day.I looked up to the trees and saw him crushing a pebble.I subconsciously crossed my arms just as I saw a red-headed boy up in the trees too.

  He was truly breath taking.He had blood red hair that spiked out all over.It looked so soft as it blew in the gentle breeze.His skin was fair and there was a kanji for love etched on his forehead.And then there were his eyes.They were sea foam green eyes with black markings around them.His eyes were like ice,cold and inexpressive.I couldn't read him like I did the others.Even with that he was the definition of striking.His eyes flicker toward me.I felt shivers run down my spine.I felt something in stomach.Like an urge to be by his side.I hadn't realized I was staring at him this long while he hung upside down from the tree.His eyes were on me again.I tried to hide the blush creeping on my cheeks,but I was failing miserably.

  He spoke up."Kankuro,knock it off."

  Everyone's eyes turned to him.Except Sasuke.He froze in his spot,starring at the ground."Your an embarrassment to our village."Everyone looked at him with total shock.However the girl with the fan looked like she was about to be killed.Kankuro looked like he could shit bricks.I snickered.The redhead did have extremely strong chakra.He must be like Naruto.A tailed beasts' host.

  "Uh,hey Gaara."He said nervously.

  Gaara turned to sand and teleported down with his squad."I apologize for any trouble he caused."He said with a monotone.I was desperately trying to figure out what he was thinking but he was so.....emotionless."Let's go.We didn't come here to play games."

  Sakura was about to speak up as they walked away so I did first."Hey!You're here for the chunin exams right?"

  Everyone snapped their heads to me.

  "Yes we are why?"The blonde girl said.

  "Chunin exams?What are those?"Naruto questioned.I whispered that i'd tell him later.When I looked back at the girl she had her pass out.

  "This what your looking for?"


  The sand ninja started to walk away but Sasuke just had to stop them.

  "Hey you!Identify yourself."

  "Who me?"And the blonde girl blushed.

  "No him.The one with the gourd on his back."

  "My name is Gaara,of the Desert.I'm curious about you too.And you."He said, shifting his eyes toward me.

  "I'm Sasuke Uchiha and this is my twin sister Gina Uchiha."Sasuke said.I looked at him and flaunted the signature Uchiha smirk.

  Gaara nodded and walked off with his team.I remembered them now.I had seen a t.v special about them.They're the fourth Kazekage's kids.

  The chunin exams are going to be interesting this year.Especially with Gaara around...

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