Its what he Deserves

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The light streamed through Izuku's velvet curtains casting rays across the floor. The soft ding of Izuku's phone woke him from his sleep. He lifted his head sleepily, drool coming out of the Conner of his mouth, keeping his eyes half lidded. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and grabbed his phone to see what the message was for.
"Holy crap, 14 messages from Ururaka. I wonder what for?"
Izuku's eyes widened and his mouth gapped open when he saw what time it was.
"Ten-thirty! Oh no, I'm late for class!" Izuku exclaimed.
He quickly jumped out of bed and and grabbed his school bag, stuffing some papers inside it before he took his room key and shoved it in his pocket and blindly grabbed a pair of shoes, and running out the door.
"I'll make it on time, I'll make it on time, I will make it on time!!" Izuku shouted running out the doors of the dorm house.
Five minutes later Izuku found himself running through the hallways of UA desperately searching for class 1-A. He dropped his bag and stumbled over top it, but his only gave him time to put on his shoes. He gasped and felt his heart shrink when he saw that instead of grabbing his red sneakers, he had picked up his yellow All Might slippers.
"You've gotta be kidding me." He said to himself. Izuku knew he didn't have the time nor the energy to run back now, so desperate to get to class he shoved on the slippers and got back his feet still running.
A minute later he saw the sign 1-A outside his class and muttered a 'finally' under his breath and smashed into the door pushing it open. He tripped over his foot again and fell face first at Aizawa's feet.
"Ow," Izuku mumbled as he raised his head to slightly rub his now red nose.
"Your late, Mydoria." Aizawa said looking down at the boy sprawled out on the floor. His voice was tired and clam, and Izuku could tell he wanted nothing more then to go back to bed, but there was still something there that scared Izuku and he quickly jumped to his feet, bowing in front of his teacher.
"I'm very sorry! I will try my best to not be late again!" Izuku yelled. A little bit to loud, which caused Aizawa to shut his eyes tight, and rub his left ear.
"Okay, okay I understand. Just take your seat."
Aizawa muttered before yawning. Izuku stood up straight and stared to walk towards his desk before he stopped when realized the soft giggles emanating throughout the room.
"Nice cloths, Deku. Don't you just look so sexy." Katsuki said in a deep, husky voice. Izuku's face got bright red at Katsuki words, and he stared down at his bright yellow and blue All might pajamas, with a giant puffy All Might face plastered on his shirt.
Oh god, why here?
Izuku thought to himself as tears started to collect in the corners of his eyes. By now everyone was cracking up making stupid jokes about how silly Izuku looked. Even Ururaka had spit out a mean comment.
"Jeez Deku, I knew you were a fan but don't you think that's a little much? You might as well just tape All Might himself to your chest!" She said well laughing historically.
Meanwhile, Aizawa had had enough of this and stood up.
Izuku flinched at Aizawa's sudden outburst, and started to play with the bottom of his shirt to try and calm his nerves.
"Mydoria made a mistake, big deal. We all make mistakes so there is no reason to make fun of him for it." Then he shifted his gaze to Ururaka and said, "Especially by people that are supposed to his friends."
Izuku felt a pain in his chest when he saw Ururaka shift lower in her seat, and look down at her lap.
"It's okay Mr. Aizawa, they were just joking."
Izuku reassured his teacher. Aizawa groaned in response and sat back down at his desk. Izuku made his way to his desk and sat down. He pulled his bag up onto his lap and pulled out the papers he had stuffed in there that morning, dividing out what papers went with what class. He kept searching in his bag looking for his phone, so he could call his mother to bring him a change of clothes.
"I could have sore I put it in here. But I was rushing around a lot, maybe was going to grab it and I missed it and grabbed something else but then of course..." Izuku stopped searching in his bag for a moment to get lost in his mumbling. He never noticed, but Katsuki had started growling slightly and turned around to smack Izuku on the side of his head when Aizawa was not watching.
"Ow!" Izuku gasped at the rather hard hit to his head.
"Shut your trap nerd! I'm trying to focus!" Katsuki growled under his breath, loud enough for Izuku to hear. He instantly jumped out of his thoughts and covered his face with his arms.
"S-Sorry Kacchan!" Izuku stuttered out, jumping back in his chair. "I just, can't find my p-phone."
"Tch," Katsuki rolled his eyes, turning away from Izuku." Like I care. It would have been better if you didn't come in at all today."
Izuku sighed and looked down and his lap, wondering what he could have done to make Katsuki hate him so much. But instead just apologize again.
"I'm really sorry, just...sorry."
He knew Katsuki was pissed at him, but he was the only person Izuku knew that brought his phone to school, and he couldn't go the whole day with these cloths on. So, Izuku gave Katsuki the 13 minutes left in class to cool down, then consulted him about borrowing his phone.
"Um, K-Kacchan?" Izuku whispered tapping Katsuki on the shoulder.
"What?" Kacchan said shrugging Izuku's fingers of his shoulder to turn around and look him in the eye. Katsuki looked so pissed at him, and his ruby eyes were staring straight into his emerald ones. As long as Izuku had known Katsuki he had really looked him in the eye's,
and by following that, he never noticed how beautiful they were. They were not the deadly, blood red that everyone had described them as, but they were more like a red sunset kind of red. Izuku was so mesmerized but Katsuki's ruby eyes that he didn't even remember what he was doing. He was subconsciously inching closer to Katsuki well staring at his eye's. Little did ethier them know that everyone in class 1-A had stopped to watch.
"Yo, Bakugo! You gonna kiss him or not?" Kirishima asked with a smirk on his face. Izuku suddenly snapped out of his day dream, and was brought back to reality. Izuku and Katsuki were staring right at each with their noses touching!
"Eek!" Izuku spealed. He didn't move an inch though. He watched as Katsuki's cheeks got bright red at Kirishima's comment, and he wouldn't admit it out loud, but Katsuki looked pretty damn cute when he was blushing.
Izuku was already embarrassed enough, so I figured no one notice if a small smile found its way to his face. But all his happiness came crashing down when Katsuki noticed. His face instantly went from embarrassment to anger faster then the speed of light.
"You damn nerd, why the hell you smiling at me like that?!" And just like that, Katsuki had grabbed Izuku's arm and kicked his feet out from under him. Izuku hit the ground hard, and when he tried to sit up he was pushed back down by Katsuki's foot. His ears were ringing from hiting his head so hard, but he could still hear Yaoyorozu yell at Katsuki.
"Bakugo! Stop this!" Iida followed what she said shortly after.
"Yaoyorozu is right, Bakugo. To harm another human being simply out of anger defies all of humanity's laws!"
Katsuki just snorted and turned away, walking towards the lunch room.
"Idiots. Can't you see it's what he deserves? He's just a good for nothing pest that won't go away."
Katsuki kept walking forward, not break his pace for a second to look back and see everyone's horrified faces.
Just a good for nothing pest, and nothing more.
Those words echoed in Katsuki's head as he walked down the hallway. Try to convince himself that's how he really felt, as his heart beat go faster.
If he's just a pest, then why do I feel like this?

                     Holy crappppppppp                     I've never done a fanfic like this before on whattpad and I don't even know if it's good or not I just hope you guys like it so please leave comments!!!❤️❤️

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