Baby Momma

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"I'm a fucking dad!" Katsuki screamed as he walked out of the hospital, holding Izuku's hand tightly. The greenette giggled and swayed into Katsuki's side as the blonde continued to shout.

"Kacchan, calm down!" Izuku told the blonde, stilling smiling from ear to ear. He yanked Katsuki towards his truck in an attempt to calm his screaming, but the Alpha was way to rilled up to calm himself even after they got in the truck.

"Wha' do ya' say we go get a bottle a wine and go somewhere special?" Katsuki said, slurring his words.

Izuku laughed and rolled his laughed. "I'm pregnant, I can't drink stupid. Not to mention, nether of us are 21." He said, patting his stomach.

"Aww, come on! You've only just started, you drink won't bother you. And my parents have a special cellar down in the basement, and I know where the key is." Katsuki practically sang, lifting a brow as he turned the key in the ignition slot and the engine purred to life.

"Fine. One drink." Izuku said sighing, closing his eyes and holding up one finger. Katsuki snorted and mumbled something about seeing how many drinks they actual will have.

Wonderful. Oh god, if I get drunk tonight I'm dead. Izuku thought.

"You better not let me drink to much if we're doing this." Izuku sighed, rubbing a hand over his stomach. Katsuki laid his own hand over Izuku's and linked there hands together on his small stomach.

"Don't worry. I wouldn't do anything bad for you... or the little chibi growing up inside." Katsuki said with a small smile.

They both sat there for a moment, just relishing in the though of there soon to be family. They still had a lot to figure out, and lot of important decisions to make, but right now, this moment, just knowing that they were going to have a wonderful life together was enough.

Izuku breathed out slowly and caressed both his hands over Katsuki's. "Why don't we get going?" The greenette said quietly, smiling. Katsuki smiled back and retreated his hand from Izuku's belly. Starting the engine to his truck and preparing to go home.

A few minutes later, after a few rounds of singing (more like screaming for Katsuki) together, the couple was home and ready to practically run inside and grab what they needed before heading off to Katsuki's secret hideout.

Izuku sat in the car and stared down at his stomach for a minute, wondering what the gender will be, while Katsuki raced inside and grabbed a bottle of wine and two wine glasses. Once Katsuki was back he handed the glasses and bottle to Izuku while he jumped back in his truck and sped off to his hideout.

"Brunt Rose," Izuku purred, holding the bottle up in front of him. "From Armand de Brignac Ace of Spades. Hmm~ this is a five hundred dollar wine. How did your parents get this, Kacchan?" He asked, turning around the high quality wine.

Katsuki glanced over at Izuku and hummed before answering the boys question. "My parents bought that last year on their trip to Miami. Haven't opened it yet though, so it's all ours to enjoy." The blonde sang. Izuku chuckled and thought for a second that maybe they should leave it for Katsuki's parents to enjoy first, but this was a special day, and tonight was going to be even more special. So Izuku figured it would be fine for them to have one glass.

Although philosophy was out the window and hour later when the Omega was downing his fifth glass...

Katsuki had taken Izuku to a desolate part of the city right at the edge of the forest. The greenette was a babbling mess with worry at first, but once Katsuki held out a loving hand a sent him a sexy smirk, Izuku was practically throwing himself at the blonde. Almost immediately the Alpha wisked him out to the woods, running at a fast pace.

Izuku was constantly throwing questions the blondes way, which he waved off immediately and kept running forward, but as soon as they made it to their destination Izuku's jaw dropped.

"You like?" Katsuki questioned him when he saw the greenettes amazed expression. As if out of a fairytale, there was a beautiful, large meadow spread out in front of the couple. A magnificent, glimmering blue stream was running threw it as well.

Izuku's eyes welled up with tears at the breathtaking sight and he instinctively fell to his knees, running his hands across the soft green grass. He could sleep on this for days if he wanted to.

Katsuki chuckled at seeing Izuku rolling around on the ground like a child. He was acting like he was seeing the outdoors for the first time. "Get off the ground, bunny." The blonde tutted.

Izuku rolled over on his back and stared up at Katsuki. "No. Come join me, Alpha." The greenette said smiling and raising his arms up to his Alpha. Katsuki rolled his eyes and spun around on his heel before falling down on his back next to Izuku's feet. The greenette sat up so that he was resting his weight on his forearms as he looked down at his Alpha.

Katsuki blood red eyes were glimmering in the bright shine of early afternoon, and his spiky ash blonde hair was splayed out on the grass, jutting out in every way. All his features were absolutely breathing taking to the greenette, and to say that he was a gorgeous steaming hot hunk of man meat would be an enormous understatement.

"Your fucking gorgeous, Katsuki." Izuku said slowly, as he started to roll over and climb on top of Katsuki's torso. "I love you so much." Izuku said quietly. Leaning down to peck Katsuki's lips.

It was slow and sensual, and Katsuki hands moved up to grip Izuku's hips lightly. The greenette whimpered slightly when their lips slotted and Katsuki devilish tongue made its way slowly into Izuku's mouth.

They detached from each with a small pop for breath, and Izuku pushed himself up so that he was sitting on Katsuki's lap and staring down at his Alpha lovingly.

"I love you, too, baby momma." Katsuki said sweetly. "Now let's go have some wine and take a dip in the creak."

Please read!!!

Ok explanation here. I know I haven't written for a while but there's been problems going on with my family that are very important and also a lot of stuff with my mental state that I'm not gonna get into for personal reasons and it's not like you guys wanna hear my problems anyways but I feel like I should at least explain why I couldn't write. Chapters from now on will also be smaller for a little while so that I can get them out sooner. I'm really sorry but, family first right? And when your sitting on your bedroom floor screaming your guts out and crying when no ones home that's not the best motivation to write. It's motivating for other stuff... but like I said, you guys don't wanna hear my problems. So I'm really sorry about not posting in a while and I'll try to be better with it. Hopefully.

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