Night to Remember

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Izuku slumped his backpack over his shoulder and let out a deep sigh. Finally, I can just go home. Stupid Kacchan, making me late. Izuku thought to himself. Evidently, today had been way to long and he had a grand total of 4 tests all having more then 30 questions.

"Hey Deku!" Izuku jerked at the sudden outburst and turned around to see the bubbly gravity girl who he'd come to know as his best friend. "I was having some friends over tonight so that we could relax after all these tests today. Could you come? I'd love to have you there!" Ururaka bent over a tiny bit to stick her butt out from behind her and smile cheerfully at her friend.

"Mmmh, I don't think my mom would want me to go..." Izuku said looking down at his feet. "Oh, well then-" Ururaka's smile slipped from her face and she stood up straight, but was soon interrupted by Izuku.

"But my mom's not home this week, so yeah! Of course I'll go!" Izuku said joyfully. "Yes! I'm so glad!" Ururaka said giggling and clapping her hands together as she bounced off to Iida's side.

I wonder who all is gonna be there? Probably everyone in class, but not Kacchan. They don't have a good relationship. Izuku keep mumbling to himself the whole way he walked home about who and what would be at this party. It was good to go to though. It would distract him from what happened last night with Kacchan. When he woke up, no one was there. Only his school uniform, which had been cleaned and folded up nice, and a note that read:

I cleaned you uniform and washed all the bed sheets so don't worry about having to do anything. Just get a shower and come to school, I hope your not late~


Izuku was sitting on his bed, turned on his side, staring at his phone. He was scrolling through Instagram looking at pictures of All Might and the latest news on how the symbol of peace had disappeared. (Well that and cute bunny pictures)

He closed his eyes for a minute and thought that he might fall asleep if he didn't open his eyes again. He felt his phone buzz in his hand and opened one eye to see what it was.

Kacchan: Oi, shitty nerd. Get outside now!

Izuku furrowed his brows together and tapped on the message so that he could reply back. Get outside? For what?

Izuku: What do you mean??

Kacchan: You idiot, what don't you understand?! Get your ass outside I'm waiting!

Izuku: Your outside my house! Why?

Izuku quickly jumped off his bed ran to the living room of his apartment and tore open the curtains to look outside. What he saw was Kacchan sitting outside his apartment in his black ford truck that he got last month for his 17th birthday.

Kacchan: Didn't you get the text from Ururaka? We're carpooling and I'm stuck taking you, so if your not out here in 2 minutes I'm leaving your ass here and going to the party!

Oh my god, the party! Izuku hadn't even thought about how he was going to get the party. It was starting to rain so it wasn't a possibility of walking there when it was 2 miles away.

Izuku: Ok ok, I'm coming! Just let me change!

Kacchan: fine but you better be quick, nerd.

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