Verse 1

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"Walking down to 29th and park, 

I saw you in another's arm. Only a month we've been apart, But you look Happier."


"Louis, you go." Niall said kindly. Louis ignored him and continued to wipe the table as if if he was going to die if he didn't scrub off the dirt.

"Nah, mate. I'm alright. It's my off tomorrow, might as well help you close the shop today." Louis chirped, wiping his forehead. Niall grinned, mapping the tiles happily.

"Should I say I'm lucky to have you as my only worker?"

Louis snorted, "Liam is a worker here."

"Nah, he's a twat."

Louis works in a diner called "Irish Dash". Niall owned the place, so he gave Louis the half of the job. It paid really well, and Louis had been working here for almost 2 years.

For 11 PM, Niall was too happy doing work. Louis was about to take Niall's advice, go home and just sleep. But he couldnt leave the Irish lad here alone. Niall had helped him many times now. Louis would like to return the favor.

"It's my off tomorrow too. Liam and Ed are taking over. Wanna go to me Ma's pub?" Niall asked, dabbing the map to the bucket of water before wiping the floor again. Louis gaped, letting out a laugh.

"Your mum owns a fucking pub?!"

Niall cackled. "Of course! We are the only Irish in this town , and Irish people are known for booze and drink." Niall winked. "Me mum wants continue my granmama's business back from Mullingar."

Louis chuckled, clearly interested. "Meet the parents already Horan? Isn't a bit too early?"

Niall made kissy faces. "Of course not darling. We already fucked so not that early."

Louis cackled, throwing his rag to Niall's face, who sputtered at the wet cloth. "I will tell your girl friend about your bullshits!"

"Barbara already knew and fuck you, Tommo. That smells putrid." Niall snapped, throwing the rag to the bin, but he was laughing.

"Why don't you sniff your fart yeah?" Louis suggested, removing his apron. Niall grinned.

"Done that."

"You're disgusting."

"Says the one who ate his booger."

"That was an accident! Blame Liam!" Louis scoffed, snatching his bag. Niall put away the map inside the bathroom and came back with his own bag. "When I was about to wipe my finger, he took my hand and chucked it inside my mouth. Blech!"

Niall cackled, shutting the lights off.

When they were done closing the shop, Niall hugged him tightly. "I'll see ye t'morrow, mate. I will bring Babs."

Louis beamed, patting Niall's red cheek. "Thanks,Ni. I'll call ya!"

They parted ways, Louis walking towards the direction of his favorite park. It was close to his flat, so he usually go there. The cold wind brushed against his sharp cheekbones. He shivered, cursing himself for not bringing his jacket. Now he has to suffer the cold weather. He entered the small gate, giving a mock salute to the almost sleepy guard. The park wasnt that big, but there was a playground for kids. There was a small clean pond where frogs usually appear, Louis loved to play with them. What Louis loved here were the grasses. They were always clean and fresh. They even smelled like lemon.

Happier //Larry Stylinson//Where stories live. Discover now