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"Aint nobody hurt you like I hurt you,
But aint nobody love you like I do.
I know that there's others that deserve you,
But my darling I'm stil in love with you."





Louis groaned loudly, burying his face deeper on the pillow. What time was it? Too fucking early for delivery boys to show the fuck up.


"Ugh fuck off!" Louis cried, crying again when his head pounded painfully. fuck, what did he do last night? Did he drink again?

Well, that explained his bad breath.

He looked around weakly, seeing broken glass in the corner of his room. Did he seriously threw that? Louis squinted his eyes. It was only one bottle. He searched for another rounds of bottles but none. Did he seriously had a bloody hang over because of one bottle of beer.

Well, it has been a long time since he drank.

He slowly got up, wincing in dizziness and pain. He rubbed his eyes, trying to get rid of the sleep and blurriness. He was fully aware that he was infact half naked, only dressed in his tights boxers but who give a flying fuck? The little shit on his door fucking interrupted his slumber. Louis was mad. He was seething.

He ran hand through his messy hair, thinking about washing it properly later. Because the last shower he had wass almost two days ago when Niall picked him up for the club night. His hair was drier than the hay his dad used to feed their pet goat. That was a lie. Louis wasnt sure if goats eat hay. And Louis' dad didnt own a bloody goat.

He patted the banister thoughtfully, using it to slide himself down to the first floor. He really should stop that habit.

He walked towards the door witha scowl, sighing.

He wrapped his hand around the door knob, twisting it open. He looked up, expecting a guy with a red cap, asking Louis if he wanted to buy secod hand laptops or washing machine. But no.

Bright emerald green eyes appeared infront of him, with long, brunette curls flying sideways with the blowing cold wind.

Louis' breath hitched, his hand tightening around the door knob, as if he was trying to break it. His heart was beating loud and hard, as if it was trying to get out o fhis chest, and tug Harry closer so Louis could kiss him.

Louis' eyes widened, his blue eyes staring at Harry, creating a large hole on his face. He pursed his lips, standing straight.

Harry was staring at him, like he was drinking Louis' image. Then it hit Louis.

He was naked.

Louis' cheeks suddenly burned flames, face turning beautiful shade of pink. He looked down, gulping down some remarks.

"H-Hey." Louis whispered raspily. He winced.

He had so many things to ask. But he will save them for later.

"Uhm." Harry started, looking down awkwardly. He was pursing his lips, making his dimples appear on his cheeks. It made Louis' heart stutter. "Hi, Lou."

Lou. Fuck.

"Harry." Louis said. "What..."

Harry looked up, his pink lips parting slightly. Louis shook his head.

Happier //Larry Stylinson//Where stories live. Discover now